14 :: Mint Chocolate

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Lloyd hadn’t been to school since what had happened, though I hadn’t been to school much either due to Veronica needing me at work. There had been a spike in crime over the past few weeks and that meant more Samurai X and Green Ninja sightings.
    Luckily Ryker always got me the homework and turned it in when I couldn’t be there during the school days, although not ideal… somehow Mr. Larson made it possible for me to miss school-

   It had been a long day of chasing Ninja and villains, dragging my feet as I headed home. Veronica had offered to drive me, though any longer in the car and I’d be paying to get it cleaned. Plus, having some time to think by myself was much needed.
   Lloyd’s sudden kiss caused my mind to wander almost constantly and his silly grin wouldn’t get out of my face. How could someone be in that much pain, but still look so happy? And Mrs. Garmadon’s words almost haunted me. What did she mean by it would be explained later? Why couldn’t I know now?

    Walking past an alleyway, something hit me with great force. Unable to catch myself, I covered my face before I hit the pavement, pain shot through my body as I tried to force myself up only to be kicked in the stomach.
   “Not so high and mighty now, are you, Reagan?” A familiar spiteful voice sneered.
   “W-when have I ever been high and mighty?!” I choked out, only to get a swift kick to the face.
   Coughing up some blood, I managed to get a good look at who it was, before someone kicked me again. Not giving me a chance to retaliate, I needed to run… though the only thing I could do was curl up and pray they leave me alone. The taste of blood filling my mouth, pain shot through my body every kick that landed on my body.

   Trying to scream for help, but nothing came out as they continued…what was this for?

   “Hey! What are you kids doing back there!” a voice called out. Tears stung my eyes as they finally stopped, footsteps fled the scene as one of the girls called out-
   “Scram, it's Samurai X!”

  Wiping the tears from my face as I forced myself to crawl to the wall. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I leaned against it. I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, who cared anyway?
    “Re…miss what happened?” the person asked, the voice sounded robotic as I buried my head in my knees. My face was stinging in pain though I didn't want the person to see my face. I fought against the tears as whoever it was took a step back and said something I did hear.

   There were a few minutes of silence before I heard new footsteps and a voice called out to me.
   “Reagan!” The familiarity of the voice made my stomach quench…please…anyone but him. I prayed as I heard him drop to his knees in front of me. Keeping my eyes shut as his thumb gently wipes the blood from my lips.
  “Hey Reagan, it's me, Lloyd. The guy who helped dye Dillon's hair pink-” His voice faltered as he tried to lighten the mood. My lip quivered as I looked up at him, his expression of concern as I leaned forward to wrap my arms around him.

   Feeling his arms around me, gave me a sense of safety. My body betrayed me as I broke down, a sob left my throat as I held onto his shirt, it hurt…so bad.


   “... she's unconscious…” Lloyd mumbled as he gently picked Reagan up, holding her in his arms as he looked towards Nya. Anger slowly built up as he saw the bruises that began to form on her skin.  “What happened?”
   Nya flinched as Lloyd's eyes faded from their normal vibrant green to a deep shade of red, she swore she could see his body in rage. Taking a step back, she kept an eye on him as she explained what she had seen.
   “I don't know Lloyd, I noticed something fishy going on back here and when I came to investigate…some people ran off and Reagan was here against the wall. Then I radioed you—”
   “I’m gonna kill them.” Nya almost flinched at the growl in his tone, it was like a low rumble that echoed through the brick walls.

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