31 :: Milkshake

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"Are you sure about this?"

"What do you mean?"

"...getting married."

Sitting up in my bed, I looked over at Ruby. Giving her a half smile, though I couldn't really see her. A few days had passed and my little announcement had thrown the entire house in an uproar, and I had only gotten to talk to Lloyd over the phone. And I was to the point I almost wasn't sure how to answer her. "Well...I'd be lying if I wasn't a little nervous, after all. This is probably the biggest decision I'll ever make."

"Then why are you doing it?" Ruby asked as she sat up and looked in my direction.

Sighing as I swung my feet over the edge, "it just seems...right. Lloyd is the one, I know it, he knows it, heck even Dad is in agreement, he likes Lloyd..."

"True...but why not wait until you're 18? It's only a few years away, is it so hard to wait?"

"...Grandma, I don't know how long she will be around...and how she's heading down hill, why not?." I told her, trying to get out my reasoning. Running my hands through Yuki's soft fur,, the dog yawned and put his head on my lap. "...I don't wanna play around...maybe this is just some form of security... sooner than later... I don't really care for social norms, so what if I get married at sixteen, I'm almost seventeen anyway."

"I guess that's true-...but what about sex? Kids? Have you two talked about that?"

Heat rose to my cheeks as she spoke, her tone fully serious at the rather...embarrassing topic. Though I took a deep breath, and answered softly. "...yes we have..."


"We both want kids...but we've agreed to wait a little while until I'm older and out of school. He wants to be able to be there for both me and the children- sooo wait until the team is stable and Ninjago doesn't depend on only him..." I muttered, loud enough she could hear.

"...I still think you should wait... but, I do understand... I just wish it wasn't another thing you decided to take on... you don't have to try and please everyone, you don't have to do this for Grandma."

Letting out a deep breath, I felt my stomach turn as I looked up at her. "...Grandma is just an excuse, this probably is the most selfish thing I've done in a long time."


Despite my mothers protests, I decided to meet up with Dai and Keni to tell them my plan after Lloyd and I settled on a date. I hadn't seen Keni in a while, we texted every now and again. But for the past few months or so, she seemed to respect my space. Though I still wanted to tell her the news with Dai, after all, I practically grew up with the older woman.

Seeing her walk in, my heart dropped for some reason. A sickening feeling was in my stomach, though I pushed past it, smiled and waved her over.

"Hey Keni, how have you been?" I asked softly as she sat down across from me, an unamused look on her face as she began to lean forward.

"Pretty good, some guy named Wu who apparently knew my dad got in contact with me and has been helping me out." She muttered, a smile grew on . "Your boy toy is in some deep-"

"Keni, stop right there." Immediately stopping her from continuing, glaring at her as she snapped her mouth shut. Remembering why I stopped trying to contact her.

"Yeah yeah, anyway, what's up? Your text sounded like you had something important to tell Dai and I." She answered in a curious tone as Dai slid into the seat next to me, arriving a bit later than Keni had.

Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonWhere stories live. Discover now