10 :: Burrito

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A few weeks had passed since my parents brought up the idea of me going to the private school, though after considering the options, I decided that I would rather just stay with my friends at Ninjago High. After all, how bad could it possibly be?

"Jasper, Reagan, Ruby, ¡vas a llegar tarde a la escuela!" Mamá called out from downstairs, letting out a hum as I ripped Ruby's blanket from her unconscious body. The first day of school and we were already going to be running late.

"Be right down!" Jasper shouted from the attic as Ruby groaned, half sitting up as she let out a yawn.

"Just a moment Mamá! I have to drag Ruby from bed!" I shouted in response as my sister glared at me. Her cat, Sasha quickly claimed her pillow, not allowing the ginger to lay back down.

"What was that for!" She hissed, running her hand through her hair as I turned to grab the clothes that she had sat on the night before.

"Well, we don't want to be late for school." I said cheekily as I watched her eyes go wide. "Hurry up and change, Dillon texted me this morning, he needed a ride. Something about his bike-" I explained as she started to panic, grabbing my own bag as I whistled for my Russell to follow me.

Doing a quick mirror check; hair was brushed and done, long sleeve, sweater vest, shorts, and trainers- looked good. "Come on Jacki." I hummed as Ruby fell off the bed with a thump. Giggling at the sight of her panic as I grabbed my prepared pack and headed out the door.

It wasn't like I hadn't tried to get her up earlier, I had tried three times in the past hour. Failed each time as I got myself ready, thankfully she had prepared everything the night before. Meeting up with Jasper in the hall.

"Morning Reagan, Jacki." Jasper greeted in a soft tone as he leaned down to give the little dog a good morning pat, Jacki wagged his tail. Jumping up on Jasper's leg for more attention.

"Morning Jasper, sleep well?" I asked as I triple-checked the contents of my pack.

"Mmhm, you?" Was his response as he kneeled down to pick up my dog to give him attention as we talked.

"Yep, Ruby stayed up late though-" hearing another thump came from the bedroom. "She'll be a few minutes.

"Ah, figured so." he hummed in a knowing way as he led the way down the stairs with his backpack in tow.

Heading down the stairs as we talked, heading to the kitchen where the younger kids were eating breakfast, Mamá was busy running around while Dad kept the little ones from putting their hands in their food.

A typical morning at the Reeds.

"Ah finally, now get your food and out the door!" Mamá ordered after she had seen us. Nodding, we grabbed the lunches from the fridge and the bags that held our breakfast as Ruby thundered down the stairs.

Giving Mamá a quick hug, and Papá a kiss on the cheek. I began mentally preparing myself to drive...oh how I wish I could just walk...though that wasn't an option this morning. It was too late and my parents had already asked me to drive.

"Bye Reagan!" Little Kesseler hollered, turning to see his cute little smile as he waved at me. "Have fun!"

"I will, love you buddy!"

Heading out to Jasper's pickup, my spirits were lifted by my little brother's goodbye. The first thing I did was adjust my seat as my brother and sister pilled in next to me. After they got settled, I started the engine.

"...okay, let's grab the dill pickle-" I mumbled to myself, switching the radio to Bluetooth mode and putting on my tunes before pulling out. Digging in the little paper bah to find a wrapped breakfast burrito... my stomach turned at the thought of eating it while driving... "I'll eat when we get there." Mumbling to myself as I turned the corner, down the road to Dillon's apartment.

(2023) Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang