28 :: Sandwitches

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   Dai's birthday party was a good time, she had invited a few friends as well as the son of her father's bodyguard Jules, and his best friend Micah (who I was surprised to see outside of work), and a girl she met in school that wasn't connected to any of my classes named Naomi. The party was very chill, in the end I spent the night and I drove her to a hair appointment she had set up before going home.

Walking through the front door, I was greeted by my puppy and the youngest two.


"You bwack!"

Both tackled my legs as Yuki was eager to get a little attention from me. Giggling at their actions, I picked up the three-year-old before kneeling down to pet the excited dog and listen to Kessler's speedy explanation of everything that had happened as to why I was gone.

His little voice went back and forth between Spanish and Ninjagian as he told me about the fort that he, Granite, Yuki and Flint made in the Lego room and the awesome sleepover that they had with Yuki who did the tricks I showed them. Apparently there was a dragon involved and Fritz was a pretty princess.

I couldn't help but smile as both of them tried to recall the details, though their explanation was short-lived as Mamá came rushing in.

"Buena estas en casa!" She sounded relieved as she handed me a mop, "Mop the hall after you get some clothes on."

Watching her go, I was highly confused as I stood with my brother on one hip and a mop and bucket in the other. Looking down to Kessler for an explanation, the five-year-old just shrugged.

"Mamá is in a cleaning mood, Daddy doesn't know why..." He muttered, that did not sound good.

The fact that Dad didn't know, gave me chills.

"..well, I guess I don't want to make her more

On my way to get new mop water, there was a knock at the door, as confusing as the cleaning was, I didn't think much of it as I went to open up the door. Calling out to Mamá as I did.

"I'll get the door, Mamá!" nearing the door, the person on the other end beat against the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jasper coming down the stairs, glancing at him as he tilted his head as I reached for the door knob.

Opening the front door, I felt my heart sink as I was greeted by the face of my cousin, Daiki. The dark haired Hispanic boy had a very apologetic look on his face, opening his mouth to say something before his entire family flooded through the door.

"JOYA! Your elder sister is here!" My tia shouted at the top of her lungs in a sing-song tone as she barged through with one of my little cousins on her hip. I about had a heart attack as I pressed against the wall.

Hearing my mamá scream in delight as she rushed to greet her sister, most of mis primos just stood in the entryway with their phones in hand as our mothers talked excitedly to each other.

Jasper came to my rescue, pushing his way past the cousins and earning some nasty glasses as he made his way to me. "...Rea, go tell Ruby." He mumbled before striking up conversation with a cousin whose name escapes me.

Giving a quick nod before hurrying upstairs, to the end of the hall and up the ladder to the attic. After reaching the top, I pulled up the ladder and walked to Jasper's couch to plop down before taking a deep breath and finding Ruby's number on my phone before swiping the call and looking around Jasper's room as I waited for her to pick up.

Jasper's room was decorated with a very skater punk aesthetic along with his collection of vintage tech... while he did share the attic with the twins, he had said on the decoration. And neither seemed to mind because he still has them space, and they liked a lot of the same-

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