21 :: Dumplings

105 6 33

There were a few things that surprised me by now, learning to either roll with the weirdness that came with working the summer at Ninjago Times or learning to say no... Upon entering the lobby, I saw Mrs. Garmadon chatting with the receptionist, Becky.

"Hello, Mrs. Garmadon, what brings you here?" I asked the fellow ginger in confusion. Mrs. Garmadon turned to look at me, her face lit up when she laid her eyes on me, beginning to walk towards me with a big smile on her face

"Hey Rea! I'm here to pick you up, Lloyd has a surprise for you, and we already cleared it with your father." She explained in a chipper tone, tilting my head at her before grabbing my phone and checking my phone and sure enough there was a text from my dad.

Mrs. Garmadon is picking you up today, have fun.


Getting caught up in a hug that I gratefully returned, though being pressed into her bosom wasn't exactly enjoyable... but the warmth and love that came with the hug did. "It's good to see you, Ma'am."

I found myself walking with Mrs. Garmadon's arm as she guided me out to her car. She asked me about work and I happily chatted about the highlights of my day, from the editing I had to do to the ancient in the break room where Night and Micah made the coffee maker explode... All while she opened the car door, she asked a question.

"They exploded the coffee maker?"

"... Yeah, Mr. Larson wasn't happy. Luckily, his fiancé was there and helped sort it out...though he was really pissed." I explained as she handed me a coffee and a bag of cookies from my parent's bakery.

"Lloyd and your dad recommended I get these for you, Ranger cookies are your favorite with a mint chocolate mocha?"

The drive to their place was long but quite enjoyable, Mrs. Garmadon asked me quite a few questions about my work and family and I happily answered. It felt nice having an adult interested in what I did, an adult that at least seemed like they cared.

The two hours passed quickly, coming up on the monastery. I couldn't help but be in awe of it, and this time I had my camera with me...

As soon as the car stopped, Lloyd appeared out of nowhere with a big grin on his face...still reminding me of a golden retriever. As he scooped me into a hug, lifting me off my feet as he greeted us.

"Hey Mom! Reagan! How was the drive?" he asked as he set me on my feet again, leaving me bright red as he took my bag from me and slung it over his shoulder.

"Good, Reagan is always fun to talk to." Mrs. Garmadon responded with a smile, "you kids have fun, and no funny business, or you answer to two sets of parents." Her tone was warning, and completely serious.

"Yes ma'am." We said in unison, rather embarrassed by what she meant.

Lloyd cleared his throat she left, beginning to steer me towards the main building, changing the subject completely.

"How was work?"

"Pretty good, Night and the new intern Micah exploded the coffee maker."

Lloyd turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "do I want to know?"

Shaking my head as I giggled at his look of disbelief. "Nah, so what are we doing?" I asked as he led me up the very long set of stairs. The main monastery building seemed to grow as we climbed the stairs, passing monks who bowed their heads towards Lloyd as we passed them.

Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora