6 :: Peach Tea

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   "At least the cat was okay." Ruby muttered as we entered the house. Her right hand pressing a paper towel to her arm. Humming in agreement as I shut the door behind us. Jacki was yipping at my thigh, begging for my attention.

"Reagan and Ruby, is that you?" Grandma's voice echoed through the house as I ran my hand over his head, scratching behind his ear to put him at ease as Ruby kicked off her shoes and ran up the stairs to take care of the scratch.

"Yeah, we're back!" Putting my MP3 player in my pack, tossing it at the base of the stairs before heading into the living room. Grandma was sitting on the floor with two younger boys, helping them build with their Legos.

Grandma and Pop were staying over the weekend while my parents went to some sort of baking event. They had taken Obby, while Jasper, Ruby, and I took turns watching the shop and Jasper and I did the baking.

"How was your run, dear?" She asked as I gave her a hug after I took a seat next to her, Jacki curling up next to me, resting his head on my thigh.

"It was really fun, we watched the sunrise from on top of Chen's Noodle house." I told her, Kessler climbed into my lap with a little platform he had made, showing me the clump of blocks proudly.

"They allow you to do that?" her voice full of shock.

I shrugged, "I don't think they mind, so long as we are not disturbing the peace or something like that... the neighborhood knows us pretty well, one lady even makes a point of checking on us before and after our runs, she is an ER nurse." I explained, I really loved that neighborhood, it was a great place for running and the people were always looking out for us. "And we have a permit sooo I'm pretty sure it's all good."

Taking a few blocks from the piles on the floor, I began to help Kessler build the walls of his platform. After the rise of the Ninja, a lot of people got into free running to the point the city decided to make money off it instead of stopping it.

"I see..." I knew Grandma was scared something would happen to me while I did my free running, my parents barely gave me permission to. So it really didn't bother me that she was concerned. "Dianana Jonston called while you were out."

"Really?" looking up to see her nod, a smile was on her face as she went on to explain the call.

"She invited us to go swimming at her pool, she said to invite whoever could use a break from this heatwave and to bring the family."

Knowing Dai, her wording was probably a little different...but the message was clear. "Sweet! When are we gonna head over?"

"She said around one-thirty, however, I was thinking we could leave around eleven and stop by the park and let the little ones play." She explained, "Jasper already said he would take over for the afternoon, would you ask your sister if she'd like to join us?"

Nodding, I moved the child from my lap before going to the base of the stairs, Jacki close at my heel. "RUBY WANNA GO TO DAI'S FOR A SWIM PARTY?"




Her words of concern made me not want to go...reminding me that because I had a permit, I was going to have to drive the family...all the way to Dai's... "My stomach is gonna kill me..."

It took a little bit to get everyone's swim clothes gathered and the four boys and Jacki in the van, though with a little bit of motion sickness medicine, I made it on the road. The van was big, but easy to drive... Grandma was thankfully a quiet and calm senior driver, though I was very thankful that we decided to make a quick stop at the park.

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