8 :: Enchiladas

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   "That was totally your fault." I teased Lloyd as we walked down the sidewalk, heading home after a long day of paintball with the Gang. Lloyd scoffed, shaking his head as he recalled the game.

"Yeah no way, Short Stuff." Walking backward to face me as we walked, "as I remember, you tripped over the box and I caught you, then Chayton eliminated us both."

"I only tripped because I was trying to spot Sniper Dakota, who you warned me about!" Jabbing my finger at him playfully, to which he held the spot in an overdramatic way.

"I was trying to keep you from getting out!"

"Well we both got out." he pointed out, referring to the last round.

"True- but you also suck at paintball."

"Hey, I already told you, guns aren't my thing, Rambo." he resorted as he turned to walk like a normal person, how he always avoided tripping hazards was beyond me. "You were quite handy with that gun."

"This wasn't my first game, Jasper likes to go shooting every other week. Sometimes I tag along." I shrugged, it wasn't any big deal to me. Opening the gate to the little yard, we were greeted by my yippy dog, the little traitor went straight to Lloyd, doing his little spinning dance for the blond. "I hate you." I mumbled, glaring at Lloyd as I headed to the door, already smelling Mama's enchiladas made my stomach growl.

"No you don't." Lloyd teased as he held my dog.

"Chico estupido," I mumbled under my breath as the door opened to my lovely mother, standing in the doorway she looked Lloyd over before putting a forced smile on her face.

"Hola Lloyd, would you like to stay for dinner?"

My jaw dropped, looking from Mamá to Lloyd, 'oh please just say no-'

"I'd love to Mrs. Reed, though I probably should let my parents know first... excuse me." he responded, taking his phone from his pocket and walking to the other side of the yard...with my dog.

'Oh just let the ground swallow me up right now-'

"Mamá- what was that?" gesturing to the boy on the other side of the yard. I was in full panic mode. Dillon rarely ate dinner with us! My mother however crossed her arms and frowned.

"Reagan, that chico has been hanging around a good deal lately, we just want to get to know our daughter's friends." She stated in an almost evil tone, flashbacks of the last time a boy was invited to dinner flooded my mind letting out a high-pitched whine in response.

"Great..." I mumbled Lloyd, I am so sorry for my family and the family-wide humiliation you are about to unknowingly go through... I could only hope he would want to be my friend after...whatever my parents had planned. Mamá left with a smirk as I stood outside...this was gonna end so badly...

"Reagan, you good?" Looking up, his bright green eyes full of concern...so innocent...

"Lloyd, lo siento mucho, por favor quédate amigo después de esto." Hugging him as tightly as I could before looking up at the most confused face, she would kill me if I warned him. "buena suerte soldado-"

"REAGAN STOP SCARING HIM!" Mamá shouted from down the hall.

"YOU'RE GONNA SCARE HIM WORSE! REMEMBER BRUNO?!" I shouted back as I gestured for Lloyd to come inside, this wasn't gonna be like Bruno...I hope.

Everyone was settled down for dinner, Lloyd had taken a spot between Jasper and I, and after saying grace the food was being passed around. Enchiladas, rice, beans, green bean casserole, corn on the cob, and dinner rolls, were all passed around until everyone had gotten their desired amount. Rubbing my hands together, I dug in, Mamá's cooking was the best...just the right amount of spice and savory.

(2023) Snapshots :: Sweet Treats | Lloyd GarmadonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt