Bắt đầu từ đầu

"I said fucking leave me." Thank God! This time my voice is cold as ice. But Aarush didn't leave me.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Leave me." I said to him but he tightened his hold. No. . .no. . .I shouldn't go there.

I tried to calm down but the situation was not helping because now that dark. . .haunted memories I fear most are knocking on my conscious mind.

"Aarush, please leave me. Please. . ." I can feel my voice shaking at the end. His brows furrow at the change of my voice, I think.

"Okay," he said and loosened his hold on me and I didn't think for a second, I got up from his body picked Jerry on my hands and paced to my room without looking at him.

I didn't know when tears started to flow from my eyes I only realized it when my vision got blurred.

Now I'm on the verge of my breakdown and sure as hell I don't want to show my weak side to him. The second I closed the door of my room, I let Jerry on the floor and I sat on the floor leaning on the door and kept my knees close to my chest.

The way he held me made me remember the drastic nights that I wanted to wipe from my life, where the days I felt so weak that I wasn't even able to protect myself. I give my all self to that fucking sadistic human animal.

It was a reality check for me that I will never overcome that trauma. Until now Aarush's touch or his presence never made me remember the drastic memories except one day. That was on the launching day of my project when he was so close to me, At that time Aarush's face wasn't the face I was seeing it was the face of the man in my nightmares.

And now also when his hold tightened around me the same face came to memory. The face of Daksh Takur. . .the way I felt helpless on that days, I felt that today also.

I shouldn't have allowed him to kiss me. I forget everything. . .How can I forget the aim in my life? How am I supposed to fucking forget that? Aarush fucking Malhotra is making his fucking way to become my obstacle in the path of my revenge. It shouldn't be supposed to happen. . .it will never happen. . .and I will never let it fucking happen.

I want to keep Aarush in his fucking place. He wants to move on from me.

I have to start everything from square one, to keep Aarush away from me. With a determined mind, I slipped into my bed.


A a r u s h

I groaned when morning light hit my face. I sat up on my bed lazily. A few hours ago I had slept and it was already morning.

Yeah, yesterday I couldn't even close my eyes because when I closed my eyes the scene of me kissing my Babydoll came into my vision. . .

Her flushed cheeks, her full lips, her magical dark brown eyes and her soft hands wrapped around my neck.

Actually, I didn't mean to kiss her but in that tense situation unknowingly I kissed her. Okay, maybe I meant to kiss her.

I knew. . . I knew that she would be the death of me one day. Her lips are more addictive than any drugs because they consume me whole and get me into an intoxicated state which no drug can do.

In other words, I can say that she is my custom-made drug.
But I didn't ignore the look on her face and how her expression changed when I didn't leave her from my hold. Her whole demeanour changed. 'But why?' This is the only question roaming in my mind after that.

Oh fuck! It's already past eight-thirty in the morning. I already planned to go jogging with her. No problem, From tomorrow onwards I will accompany her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ