"You were human."

"I was never human. Raised as one, sure. But that didn't erase my powers, or make me less than. It just gave me a setback that I've been fighting ever since."

"And as our Queen, she has the right to send you on your way. Which is what she should do." Callum's voice was a snarl. He took a step closer to Andorra. "I will gladly see you out."

Ero cut a look to Callum, and then to Oberon. It lingered slightly on the white haired fae, the less hostile option between the two guards. Andorra saw him step closer to Oberon as if to agree that his time in the throne room was in fact over.

"Wait," Andorra interrupted. Ero's eyes found her again, his motions halting. "We're not through." Andorra moved back to the throne, sitting down once again, motioning for Callum to back up. Teeth bared, he listened, but only barely.

"Why did you come here today?"

"I told you. I was here to see if the rumors were indeed true. There have been many rumblings about the Queen's inability to rule. And after hearing that you were the Rabium Bellua, they sent me to see."

"A spy, then." Andorra didn't say it in an accusing way. Just matter of fact. "Well, let me ask you about the upcoming war. I was honest with you, and I expect the same. Are you preparing for war for the death of Prince Anders?"

Something shuttered in Ero's gaze. "Not for the death of Prince Anders, no."

"For something else then?" Oberon observed.

Ero looked back at Oberon. A smile played on his lips. "I would be a horrible spy if I shared that intel with my enemies."

"You're a horrible spy for admitting you're a spy in the first place," Callum snorted.

Ero looked back to Andorra. "Prove to me that you are not a danger to the fae. That the Rabium Bellua is in fact defeated. And I return to my court with favorable things to say."

"Ready to continue the theatrics?"

"Always," Pyatt responded. He eyed Andorra as she grinned at Ero. "I am a danger to fae. A danger to any fae who tries to kill me." Andorra flicked her finger up, pointing at Pyatt and then to the ceiling. "Rise."

Pyatt stood. Ruffled his feathered wings. "Circle Ero."

Pyatt was a perfect actor as well, Andorra realized. What a great team they made when it came to pretending. Pyatt stepped around Ero, his claws clinking against the floor. Ero had the gall to not look too concerned, but Andorra could smell the fear in the air. Even if he looked calm, Ero was not.

By the time Pyatt had made his loop, he lunged for Ero's face, snapping his beak inches away from Ero's nose. He let out a chirping laugh as Ero stumbled back a step. By the time Pyatt returned to stand next to the throne, Andorra was smiling. It was a sweet, innocent smile. The smile of a naive, human girl.

"But you are welcome to stay, Ero. And see that what I want for Anlithamy is to see its people live and thrive. I am not a danger to my people. I am only a danger to those who wish to hurt my friends and family."

Ero bowed low at the waist. A true bow, not one made in mockery. When he straightened, his eyes went to Callum and Oberon, and then back to Andorra. "Then you should know my full name is Erowillric. Do with that what you will." He looked to Callum, and then as if realizing the snarling guard was not worth it, he looked to Oberon. "You may bring me to my new guest room."

Oberon looked to Andorra for confirmation. She gave him a nod, and watched as Oberon sauntered down the steps of the dias, and then to Ero's side. He led Ero from the throne room in silence.

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