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"Forgive us, Your Majesty! I beg you, please spare our lives!"

His stern eyes locked on all the caught criminals, kneeling before him, begging for mercy.

"After stealing my possessions, you want me to spare you?" he sneered, taking a step closer to the speaker.

The criminal moved closer to him but then got restrained by the king's guards.

"We're doing it to feed our families. Please, I'll do anything for you! I'll work in the palace as punishment forever!" the man continued to beg.

The king smugly smiled. "No. You'll rot in my prison." He then shifted his gaze upon his guards. "Throw all of them in."

Suddenly the court was full of cries and begs as the guards began to handle the criminals, all resisting to free themselves, though knowing how useless their effort was.

The king turned his back at them, as the same man cried out, "No, please! I have a sick wife and kids! Your Majesty, please!"

Ignoring the plea, he left the court area with his royal escorts with a smile on his face.

As he arrived at his royal office room, his escorts stayed outside as he entered the room, finally letting out a sigh.

"Ah, that was tiring," Yoongseung spoke to himself as he walked over to his seat and sat down, letting out another sigh.

He stared at his desk, scattering with paperwork, all holding the information about the operation he held last night, capturing thieves and rebels in his kingdom.

"Your Majesty," his advisor suddenly called out from the outside of his room. "Head General Min is here to see you."

"Let him in," he replied, straightening himself as the door slid left and the head general stepped into the room.

"Ah, brother. You're here," Yoongseung smirked, as the man before him closed the door behind.

"Your Majesty," Joongki began.

The king raised his chin, acknowledging the formality. "What is your official purpose to see me?"

The head general let out a soft sigh, trying to loosen his tensed shoulders. "Your people need your help. They are running out of food sources."

"What do you want me to do then?" Yoongseung retorted, putting up a straight face as they stared at each other.

"Give them your sources. And they need pesticides, fertilizers... for their farming."

"What if I run out of my source?"

"If you give them, they will give you back."

The king squinted his eyes. "How can I be sure of that?"

Joongki shook his head in disbelief. "I am sure that they will."

"No, I don't think so."

"Well, Your Majesty, you have been harsh on them. What if one day they all riot against you?"

"You're going to protect me," Yoongseung firmly said, and Joongki noticed his tone. "That's your duty."

"And to prevent that from happening, you should change."

The king cocked his eyebrow. "Know your boundaries. Who are you to tell me to change?"

"I am your brother."

"And the country's Head General. You are responsible for protecting me, your king. You took the oath in front of the parliament, our father."

The mention of the oath that he took two years ago made him sigh. He gave up the chance to continue their father's legacy to his younger brother and instead wanted to protect the king like he did during their father's reign.

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