Chapter 27

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"Giselle, are you listening?"

I jolted from my seat when I felt a tap on my shoulder - it was Leslie, trying to call for my attention. That's just when I became aware of my surroundings; I was still in class. Our chairs were arranged in small circles, probably by group members. How long was I even out of it? God, my mind is wandering off.

"You were saying?" I blankly asked.

Iera irritatedly grunted at me but tried to keep herself cool and unbothered by forcing a smile. It's just like she pulled a string on her face for her lips to curve, that's how fake it was.

"I was asking about what we should do next about our system project, duh." she mockingly stated. Oh, that's how you wanna play it, huh?

"Before that, I'd like to ask you about the progress of our system?" I asked meaningfully before raising an eyebrow. Well, you started it.

Our instructor checked upon the condition of our system last finals and had given us some recommendations for improvement. Today, he'll check whether we were able to apply it.

Despite being busy with my ever-roller coaster life, I was able to do it by and by during my short idle times. But this Iera bitch? Nuh-uh. Don't even try to remind me of what she did...because nothing will came up! She contributed absolutely nothing to our system. And now she has the audacity to ask me with an attitude.

I've been trying to be a little considerate since the ratings we'll get from this project will determine 50% of our overall grade this 2nd sem but just like everybody else, my kindness has limits.

I didn't wait for her reply to my question, 'cause she wouldn't be able to answer it anyway. I teared a small piece from my paper and wrote something in there. When the class was over, I handed it to our instructor and he peeked through the folded paper. He smiled and I lightly bowed before leaving the room. Now goodluck building a system of your own.

Fortunately for me, that was my only class for today. Since, it's still early for me to go home, I just decided to go at the library to do my missed activities in there. I swiped my library card on the scanner and the glass door clicked open. 

This library card system scanner was the best capstone project last year that was then implemented to strengthen the library's security and to bring convenience for both students and librarians. If there's one thing I like about our university, it's that they entertain and appreciate the skills and talents possessed by their students, making them feel motivated to accomplish greater things.

I proceeded on the table placed at the right corner of the area. The building's walls is made of a transparent glass - which is uncomfortable for me - knowing anyone from the outside might be watching me. Thank goodness, the heavy fabric of brown curtains was covering my table enough from being seen on the outside. Now, I can start doing what I gotta do. I hope I can finish this all today.


Almost three hours of mind-bleeding and migraine-triggering battle and I was done. Finally! I stretched my arms and closed my eyes as I feel my bones cracking from hunch-sitting for too long. I feel like my back is permanently curved now. Well, at least I have a curve.


I heard a faint sound somewhere so I wandered my eyes off the area but my eyebrows creased into confusion when I found that no one else was here except me. That's weird. This place doesn't run out of students busy studying or even sleeping - as long as they don't get caught.

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