Chapter 20

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Is it possible to feel that way? To feel both admiration and jealousy from your ex-girlfriend? Cause that's what I'm feeling right now.

Her luscious locks of ash grey curly hair perfectly paired up with his small face structure - big doe eyes, small nose and kissable, red lips makes me melt as I look at her.

But believe me when I say that I don't feel anything romantic towards her. It's more like, I appreciate her beauty and I am proud of what she have become right now. Though, at the same time, I feel jealous.

Jealous in a way that she's undeniably gorgeous without even trying, that despite all the shit she had to go through, she's still standing bold right now, that she finally gets to be with a person that loves her unconditionally, and as much as I am rooting for them, I can't help but wish I'd be treated the same way.

During my 2 year relationship with Trenj, he was really the perfect man I could ever ask for. But time went by too fast and before it hit me, I couldn't feel him anymore. I know, I know. He's sick. Like I said, I just couldn't help but feel that way. I know it's wrong of me to feel this way. Right?


After spending quite some time inside the cafe, we decided to leave and I am the first one to exit since I'm afraid Trevor might trick me into paying. Like hell, I don't even got a penny.

"We're going to watch a movie, wanna come?" he invited me as he's holding the front wheels while looking at me through the mirror.

"I'll pass. I don't want to be a third wheel for the whole day." I refused.

"Well, are you going home then?" Ryley asked.

Home? Ahh...Trenj's apartment. I kinda don't want to go home yet. This sucks.

"Come with us, at least. If you don't want to watch a movie, you can just stroll around for all I car--ah!" Ryley hit him.

"Sure then." I smiled.

It's better than going home. I might as well try to enjoy this day cause who knows when I'll be able to enjoy again.

"Ahh" I remembered something.

"Your dress..." I stated before looking at Ryley and then looking at the dress I'm wearing. It was definitely a dream come true to be able to wear such a fine dress for a few hours. I felt pretty.

"You can have it. And the sandals, too."

I was surprised. She's just gonna give it to me like it was nothing? I know for sure these things are expensive. Damn, I know she's rich but damn!

"I don't wear it anymore, anyway. I got bigger, you know." she lightly smiled and then turned away at me.

"Honey, don't say that. You're slim and sexy." Trevor sweetly uttered while he's busy driving.

I instantly gagged upon hearing him say that. Like, eww? He calls him honey? He better be joking. That's cringe-y as hell.

"What's your problem?" He raised an eyebrow at me through the mirror. I gave him a disgusted look.

"Nothing. You're just making me shiver in disgust."

"What? What about you, what do you use to call her then?" he gaped at me.

I stayed silent and then glanced at Ryley, who's also looking at me. He really doesn't know when to stop talking, huh? I let out a heavy sigh before responding.

"Wifey." I shortly replied and glanced at both of them. Trevor rolled his eyes and grunted while Ryley just shaked her head.

"I didn't know you'd actually say that." she chuckled.

"I thought it was okay to say it now. Since we're already alright...right?" I asked with uncertainty.

I just assumed we were already alright considering that we're okay with each other's presence. I don't know if that's really the case since we haven't really had the chance to make up a conversation.

"Uh huh." she agreed. I sighed in relief.

Whatever bitter happened in our past, we decided to let it all go. Besides, we don't have feelings for each other anymore so what's the point of holding grudges for the pain that we've inflicted to each other.

And honestly, I didn't expect it. That we'd be able to forgive ourselves like this...after 4 long years. And that in the least possible way I've expected, Ryley and Trevor became a part of my life - those people that I can genuinely call 'friends'.

We arrived at our destination and we bid each other goodbye as we parted ways. I watched them walk away as Trevor held her hand then glanced at me with a smirk. I just laughed and started walking towards the arcade. How long has it been since I last went here? I can't even remember.

As usual, it's so loud - kids screaming and teens having fun with their friends, as well as, adults casually sitting while playing those fish hunter games. But I didn't find it annoying; for it is a noise that can pull me into happiness. I'd like to be happy.

I proceeded to the counter to exchange my money for arcade coins. I smiled at the lady in charge. Wait, what? Money? I don't got shit with me. Fuck.

Even though I know I have no money with me, I still searched through my dress, with no pockets, in embarrassment that the lady might think I'm penniless. Well, I am but I don't want to admit it. God, it sucks to be poor. I can't even enjoy small things.

Frustrated, I pulled a fake smile to the lady and attempted on leaving when suddenly, a guy from behind me dropped some money in the counter.


I turned around to see the good Samaritan guy. He instantly smiled at me causing him to lose his eyes. Well, well, we got a chinito here. And he's tall damn, I'm jealous again.

I moved away and waited for him as he started talking to the lady, who's definitely fangirling hard right now. She's smiling from ear to ear and even using a high pitched voice while talking. I just shaked my head as I felt a second hand embarrassment. Gurl, you look insane right now, stop it.

After their small transaction finishes, I was relieved. Who wouldn't be? It's so painful to watch that lady trying so hard to gain attention from this guy. She was even trying to be touchy with him.

Man, I'm disappointed with my own gals sometimes. It's just a guy, what's there to act all desperate about? But well...who am I to talk.

I turned to him and decided to thank him for paying for me. He frowned upon hearing that.

"What do you mean? I bought this for myself." he said confusedly and my jaw just dropped.

Fuck, am I only assuming? Oh my god!

I covered my flushed red face with my hands. Why do I have to embarrass myself for the whole day? Just kill me already.

I heard him chuckle and so I peeked my eyes out through my hand.

"I was kidding. Here." he then lended me half of his arcade coins and I accepted it. Jeez, why does he have to joke like that when we're not even close.

I thanked him for the second time and hold tight to the coins in my hand. Who knows, he might say he's kidding again and take it back. Like, hell no! I won't give it back.

He suddenly extended his hand in front of me before smiling.

"I'm Yunic, and you are?" I just stared blankly at him. Huh? Talk about the nerve of this guy. He's unique? Well, I am too!

"I'm also unique in my own ways." I crossed my arms. He again, chuckled. Am I a joke to him? He keeps laughing while looking at me. Do I have a funny face? Shit, is there a dirt on my face?

"No, my name's Yunic. Y-U-N-I-C." he spelled out.

"Why didn't you start with that. I'm Giselle."


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