Chapter 21

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Warning: Contains explicit languages.

"Nice to meet you, Giselle. Any nickname?" he asked thereafter.

I creased my brows and shaked my head. Why is he asking for my nickname? Isn't knowing my name enough?

"Then should I make you one?" his eyes twinkled in excitement, apparently.

I tiredly looked at him and I think that's enough of an answer for him to do an 'okay' sign with his hands.

Why do some of these guys think that it's actually okay to give someone a nickname when you're not even close. That's just hella weird and kinda disrespectful. It makes me feel like they're playing with my name.

Mom gave me this name. I once asked her about it and she said she named me after the famous romantic ballet story - Giselle. As young as I was before, I never really understood the story behind my name until recently.

I learned that Giselle was just an ordinary girl who fell in love with a man that's hiding his true identity as the Duke and is actually engaged to someone else. She then have gone mad and stabbed herself.

It was one depressing story so I don't understand how Mom could name me after someone like her but in some ways, I feel for her. I feel miserable right now; just like how she felt when she found out she have been betrayed.

"Hello? Aren't you going to play?" Yunic waved his hand on me.

I smiled and proceeded to a piano game. This is what I always ended up playing when I go here, not mentioning basketball. Actually, I have a keyboard at home and I know how to play it hence, I always pick this arcade game.

At home, huh? I don't even have one now. And I bet my keyboard has been sold already. Ryley actually gifted that for me way back when we were in a relationship. So it's almost 4 years old but it still plays well.

I snapped out of my deep thoughts when Yunic sat beside me. There are a total of 8 large keys in front of us and it is a two player game so I invited him to join me since I can't play alone. It's just piano tiles, basically, but instead of tapping the screen of your gadgets, you'd actually have to keep up with your hands pressing the keys.

I let out a stifled laugh when I saw him looking so lost, not knowing what to do.

"Relax, it's just piano tiles." I assured him. He nodded at me determinedly then focused on the screen. For someone so tall, he sure gets serious at playing a game.

I picked the song Canon D and placed both my hands on 4 keys as I prepare myself. Seconds later, the song started playing and I pressed keys in accordance to what I'm seeing on the screen. I laughed when I heard a 'you lose' at Yunic's side as I continuously played the song until it ended.

"You cheated. You're a pro." he complained while brushing his hair up.

"It's not my fault that I actually know how to play." I shrugged before bending down to get the tickets coming out of the machine. I lightly pulled it then gave it to him.

"I owe you one." He took it but gave it to the little guy running beside us afterwards.

"You enjoyed, that's enough of a payback."

"Psh. Don't act like you know me." I muttered while avoiding eye contact with him.

"I didn't say that I know you." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes at him. What's with guys habit of talking back? It's so annoying. It reminds me of someone I also hate - Trevor.

"Anyway, nice playing with you. I gotta go now." I informed him before walking away. But he just followed my steps until we arrive at the exit so I grunted and turned to him.

"What's your problem?" I asked annoyingly.

He didn't utter a word and instead, he just stared down at me. I furrowed and before I could even speak, he decided to open his mouth.

"Well, I can't take it anymore." he said hastily before pulling me into his arms.

My eyes widened and I instantly released myself before slapping the shit out of him. He was stunned as he held his red cheek with such gentleness.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! I have a boyfriend!" I shouted at him, not caring if anyone is staring at us.

That's fucking assault. I don't care what anyone thinks, that's assault to me. He hugged me without my consent. He makes me sick.


I froze when I heard that voice. That damn fucking voice that I no longer wish to hear. And right there in the middle of the crowd, I saw him. My father.


I didn't let him close to me as I ran away before he could do so. Why suddenly show up? To tell me that the house and lot wasn't enough to pay for what he lost in that fucking gambling? I don't give a shit!

I lost my father when he failed to provide me with love, care and attention that every child needed from their parents. Now, he lost his daughter for failing to provide me a shelter and food, at the very least.

I grunted in pain as I feel my feet numbing after a minute of running. I stopped in front of a bench clothes store for a second to take off my stilettos, fearing that I might break it. These are more expensive than my life.

"Ah!" I screamed when someone pulled me inside the store and hid me on the array of clothes. It was Yunic.

He apologetically smiled at me but I still glared at him and attempted on slapping him again but he was able to catch it this time.

"Let me explain first."

I sharply sighed as I tried to release myself from his grip but he was too strong.

"I fell for you...and I know your father." he casually stated as if it's something I can easily wrap around my head up.


That doesn't even make sense. First of all, I already said I have a boyfriend. Besides, he just met me, what the fuck is wrong with him? And what's it got to do with him knowing my Dad? I think he got some loose screws.

He sighed before continuing.

"Your Dad still owe me some money. From gambling. But he said he doesn't have anything left anymore.

And so he suggested for me to date you for a month as payment. I agreed just for fun. But when I first laid my eyes on you, I fell in love and I just can't help it." he explained before letting me go.

My shoulder dropped and I lose all strength in me that I almost got knocked off of my feet.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked worriedly as he's holding me by my waist.

Dad wasn't contented with selling our house, he even What the fuck am I to him? A fucking object? A sex toy? A cum pet?

Why am I even born, honestly. Why didn't he just jacked off his pillow so I wouldn't exist. Why do I have to live this miserable life because of him. I didn't ask to be fucking born!

Tears fell down from my eyes continuously as I loudly hit my chest causing me to cough. Yunic then grabbed my arm to stop me from doing that for a second time.

"I want to fucking die."


ElpisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora