Chapter 16

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"Ryley is here."

After Trevor said that, the door slid open, revealing her, as if she knew exactly when to enter.

I gulped as I stare at her - as always - resting bitch face, but I chocked when I felt a huge lump in my throat. I can't deny to myself that she's still stunning.

My eyes widened when our eyes met and I instantly got surged in an unknown electricity running up to my face, causing me to flush red.

What the hell is going on? Why am I feeling this way?

I pat my chest a few times to try and calm my drum-beat like heart, thumping the shit out of my soul.

"How did you find me?" Trevor asked and stood up; he walked closer to her. And I could see the longing to embrace her in his arms...but Ryley backed away.

"You always share your location with me even if I never asked you to, remember? I just got bored." she sassed with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I scoffed and shaked my head. She's never been good at hiding her feelings. I know for sure that she's looking for him.

"Oh, you're alive." she said sarcastically, pertaining to me.

Yes, I am. Bitch.

"Ryley, stop." Trevor tried to hold her hand but she slapped it.

"I'm not talking to you." she walked passed him and stood on the edge of my bed.

"That's what you get for cheating on me with that donkey." she pointed intensely at my innocently sleeping Trenj.

I instantly get up and walked closer to her until our face were only inches apart. She's wearing a heels that's why I am currently shorter than her but I didn't mind. I glared at her.

Trevor quickly came between us and tried to stop the growing tension.

"I love how you think I'm the one who cheated." I muttered with a fake smile and looked at Trevor meaningfully. He creased his brows in confusion.

Yeah, right. He doesn't know that Ryley cheated on me with him. Should I even bother telling him? Not like anything would change.

I am honestly confuse at Ryley's behavior right now. Is she looking for attention? For some care and love? She's not like this before. I regret blaming myself; she's making me hate her even more.

"Either way, don't you dare insult my boyfriend. He looks way better than this weird ass old man beside you." I hold myself back from laughing when I saw Trenj's reaction; feeling betrayed that I insulted him.

"He's nothing to me." she said with no expression in her voice.

Shocked, I looked at Ryley with irritation. Damn, that's gotta hurt him. How could she say that straight to his face. This bitch is hopeless. I feel sorry for Trevor.

I sighed when he lightly smiled at me and closed his eyes for a second, telling me not to react.

Well, damn I am trying my best not to. He might have contributed to my pain before but he really helped me in ways I couldn't even begin to enumerate. And that's enough for me to forgive him. Now, I'm on his side.

"Is that so? He's nothing to you and that's why you really made an effort to look for him through his location. That makes perfect sense."

I chuckled softly when I saw Ryley blushed for the first time. It's something I've never seen in person before. And it's nice to witness it, knowing that it's because of someone like Trevor.

"I-i said I was bored!" she defended, close fisted.

I laughed when he gave me a thumbs up while smiling from ear to ear. He likes what he's seeing and I'm glad for him, really. I can feel that they still love each other and I want to help him.

"Well, I hope I gave you enough entertainment for you to leave now. I need some rest." I shooed them away.

Trevor instantly grabbed that chance to lightly push her cause it seems like she doesn't want to go yet.

"No! Let go of me! Argh!"

Even though she's trying to fight back, it was no use compared to his strength. I smiled in reply to Trevor thanking me before they completely faded away from my sight.

I sighed in relief. Once in a while, it's nice to experience some peace and silence. I turned to my left and stared at Trenj. I am honestly scared. I wonder what I should do. I am trying to think of ways on how to approach him whenever he would be grumpy and irritated but nothing comes up in my mind. It's just making my head hurt.

In spite of that, I decided to get up. There's no use to me sulking; I need to do something. I love him and I don't want to give up on him. He was always there for me and supported me in everything. It's time for me to treat him like how he treated me. Besides, it's not his fault. It was mine. So I should take responsibility for it. Right?

I pulled the IV pole with me as I took steps towards Trenj. It amused me how he could still sleep through all that noise earlier. He must have been really tired. I feel bad. I sat on the edge of his bed and stared at him. I cupped his innocent face and caressed it with gentleness and love. I miss him.

My eyes went down to his partly opened luscious lips and I gulped in awe. God, I want to kiss him. I leaned closer to him, grabbing support from my left hand but I was left in shock when he pulled my arm away, causing me to lose my balance and fall face down on his chest.

"Aw, fuck!" he groaned in pain.

I looked up at him with puppy eyes as I feel sorry for unintentionally hurting him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to kiss you." I pouted and attempted to move away but before I could do so, he cupped my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes as I felt the incredible softness of his lips on mine. It's something I always crave for. I started moving my lips as a respond and I got startled when he forced his tongue inside.


Not that I didn't want to let him. It's just that, it's not like Trenj to be harsh with me. But either way, I liked it. I opened my mouth as he finally slid his tongue inside and licked me.

"Ahh" I softly moaned when he bit my lower lip and sucked it after, easing the pain away. He slowly moved away, parting our still longing lips, and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and hugged him. It's still Trenj, after all. The man that I'd always love.

"I want to do it." he suddenly muttered.

I released myself from the hug and confusedly looked at him.

"In here?" I asked in disbelief as I wandered my eyes around the room; telling him that we're in a hospital.


There was no expression in his face yet I could see through his eyes how he longs for me. And God, how I love to see that. It turns me on.

"I'm in." I nodded and smiled meaningfully at him; he smiled back.


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