Chapter 12

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After a matter of seconds, I was able to recover myself from the shock. I gazed at his hands gripping around my arms with such indifference.

I don't know what to feel about this; I'm tired.

I relentlessly freed myself and turned around to Frenna.

"You go first. This might take a while." I informed her and she said 'okay'.

Before she walked away, I called her name and said, "Thank you." I lightly smiled and she replied with a short laugh.

Remembering the current situation, I turned my attention to him as he try to compose himself from my sweet punch.

"Now, explain yourself" I ordered irritatedly.

He touched his stomach and all carefully straightened his posture.

"Sure, but not in here." he stated while looking around the flock of students flooding the whole area.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. With big, heavy footsteps, I passed through the crowd, not minding if I step on someone or hit someone.

I am pissed enough to fucking care!

Barely surviving the maze-like path I walked through; I was kind of relieved when I saw him after me.

I sat on the edge of a squared garden bed in front of Gen. Ed office and crossed my arms as I waited for him to say something. He sat beside me.

"I'll be direct to you. I'm Trevor, Ryley's first boyfriend."

I cupped my head as a sharp pain pierced through it.

"So what? What's it got to do with me?" I muttered, trying to sound bold and intimidating, still holding my head.

"She...left me." I quickly glanced at his sad puppy eyes.


I can't help but laugh at him despite it making my migraine worse.

"Are you some kind of a devil? How could you laugh at my sorrow?" he cut me short with a hint of pain in his voice.

This bitch's trying to make me feel guilty. Like I fucking care about your damn heartbreak, you deserved it, fucker! She cheated on me with you, damn it!

I stopped my tongue from saying all that because no matter how hurt I was, I still have a heart...somehow.

"Snow white, I hate to break it to you but I am not your therapist nor your friend. I'm your ex's ex, you don't expect me to comfort you now, do you?" I sassed as I flicker my hands in front of him.


I tilted my head when I started to realize something.

"You're a grown ass man, how did you get here?!" I asked in shock.

He looked at me and grinned.

"Your security in here can't even be called weak, it's beyond that. I just walked alongside some tall guys and the guards didn't even bother checking if I have an ID. Plus, your university doesn't have a uniform so I easily blended in." he explained as if he's proud of what he did.

"I see. That's why it stinks like an old fart in here."

I moved away and covered my nose with disgust on my face.

"What the fuck?" he cussed with such disbelief.

I can't help but let out a laugh again. There's something about annoying grown ass men that satisfies the devil in me.

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