Chapter 24

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He gave me a kiss on my right cheek before quickly backing away, knowing that my hands will react in accordance. In which I did. I growled in frustration when I wasn't able to reach his face with my palm 'cause apparently, my arms weren't long enough.

My hand reacted faster than I could even wrap my head around what just happened. It was something I truly didn't expect; especially because I kinda trusted him already. But I was wrong for the nth time. He crossed the line again. I hate myself for letting it happen for the second time. He caught me off-guard and I am frustrated that I let my guard down.

"I can't help it, you're too pretty for me to resist." he smiled apologetically but I'm not having it.

I can't even begin to understand why I decided to be comfortable around him, knowing that he 'likes' me. I thought he was just kidding. I never really believed him, in the first place. I thought he was just playing some silly games to mess with me, fooling himself that he could do or say whatever he wants because he 'owns' me. I'm not an object, for Christ's sake. I'm disappointed with him.

I harshly wiped his lips' trace on my cheek and marched away from him. I don't know which direction I was heading to but I didn't care. I just don't want to be any way near him. I could hear him calling my name as it silently echoes around the open space, stomping his way closer to me. And so I decided to run. 'Cause that's the best thing for me to do.

Fortunately, I lost sight of him after minutes of me running in circles on this damn airport. I tried to catch my breath first before calling for a taxi. I'm glad I brought some money...which is from him.

"Argh" I was irritated at the thought. And I became more irritated, knowing that I can't throw away what he'd given me. Hello, it's money we're talking about here! I just scraped my face with my palm until I felt clean somehow. Because what he did made me sick. I am not fond of other people touching me, what more about suddenly kissing me! That's a grave crime for me.

Minutes had passed. When I peeked through the window and I saw Trenj's apartment as we're moving closer to the vicinity, that's just when it hit me. That we weren't okay and I need to do something about it.

I get out of the car and paid the driver in a haste before looking at the door in a distance. I was still on the other side of the road and I let out a heavy sigh as I tried to muster up the courage to walk towards it, feeling like I'm about to enter the gates of judgement.

But I was surprised to see Trenj from a block away, intently looking at me while crossing his arms. He started to walk closer to me and so I watched him until we were a few feet apart. We didn't break our gaze off of each other.

I tried to read the emotion he's expressing through his eyes and I can only notice one thing. He yearns for something. I don't know what it is but I know for sure, it's got something to do with me.

"Um, I'm so---"

"Is that all you can say?" he cut me short.

I bit my lower lip as I tried to compose the words that I want to say to him in my head. It took me a while to search through each ends of this never ending tangled mess of my thoughts but I was able to organize it...I hope.

"I know you're wondering why. Why we ended up in this situation. Actually, I don't know myself what started all of this. But I want to be honest with what I'm feeling this time..."

I heaved a sigh before continuing. It's now or never.

"You scares me. It all started when you woke up in the hospital. I well damn know that it was partly my fault but I never expected your change of behavior and tone towards me. I know you know that you've always been a sweet, patient guy and that made me fell in love with you since the beginning.

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