Chapter 30

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Trigger Warning: Contains sensitive contents.

"You've known me all my life and you just looked for me 6 years ago?" I asked him, not trying to sound upset.

I was just confused as to why he only looked for me a couple years ago when he claimed himself that he have known me ever since. Isn't his statements contadicting?

"It's true. You were about 2 years old when we got separated from each other that's why you can't remember. I tried looking for you that same day but I was locked away in my room.

I was 23 when my boss finally allowed me to look for you. Because that's also the time he hired me for the job of finding you. I knew his intentions were evil but I still took it in desperation of seeing you. He provided me with all the support throughout my search because he's just as desperate as I am to find you. And that's why, Lesi..." he walked closer and reached out for my hand.

"...I'm sorry. It's my fault that all of this is happening." his eyes were tearing up and my hand just automatically lifted and wiped his tears away.

I didn't pay attention to what he'd said. Instead, I was deeply overwhelmed and internally jumping in happiness because finally...finally, the truth was revealed to me.

I admit that I'm frustrated of him hiding it to me for so long. I admit that sometimes, he can get on my nerve because of his cockiness and cheeky attitude but deep inside, I felt that he's a good person. And I'm glad he's my brother.

"Can I hug you?" he hopefully asked. I nodded while wiping my own tears.

He gave me a warm, sweet hug and I find myself being filled with an unfamiliar satisfaction in my soul. Maybe because it's the first time a blood relative, specially my brother, has hugged me, but I cried of happiness for the second time. It felt like I was finally complete.

I've been searching throughout my life for that certain emptiness I was feeling, thinking that it's a partner that will complete me. When I found Trenj, he did complete me but that emptiness didn't go away. I thought I was just broken, turns out I was really missing something, someone in my life.

So this is what it feels like to have a brother...He was my long, lost brother. I can't believe I have a brother!

"Pft. Cringe-y"

I turned around when I felt a person standing behind me, feeling someone's breath on the back of my neck. It was Yunic. His arms were crossed and he was wearing an irritated look on his face. How did he even get here? I didn't even hear any footsteps. Is he some sort of a ninja?

"Just say you're jealous 'cause you can't hug my younger sister. Not like I'll let you to, bro." Trevor grinned and pat my head. I creased my eyebrows.

"Okay, that's soo weird. It's like Yunic is my brother, too." I exclaimed.

"No!" Yunic immediately reacted making Trevor laughed.

"I also tease him about that. He doesn't like you two to be relatives in any way. Apparently, he wants to marry you...which I am opposed of the idea."

"---WHAT?! WHY?---" Me and Yunic shouted in unison.

I was pertaining to him wanting to marry me. Like what?! I could barely accept it in my system that he really likes me, let alone accept the fact that he wants to marry someone he barely knows. I am quite sure he's just really feeling obsession towards me, not love or anything.

"She has his Trenj. Don't tell me you'll ruin their relationship? Besides, he'll never allow that to happen. Don't forget that this is your last chance." Trevor warned him.

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