Chapter 53

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Nora's POV

"William" I screeched his name making him gasp in shock.

"What are you doing in my house at one in the morning" I sighed leaning tiredly on the door.

"I just finished some paperwork in my office and decided to drop your dress I puked on" he said pointing at the dry cleaned dress on the couch.

"Thanks" I muttered closing my eyes with a sigh.

"You look like shit by the way" he said with his mouth full of ice cream.

"I noticed" I said with a chuckle. I took a seat on the counter in the kitchen resting my chin on my palm. He took a seat beside me waiting for me to elaborate.

"I couldn't sleep" I said staring blankly at the wall.

"Nightmares" he asked and I nodded.

"Nora I think you need to see a therapist about this" he said with seriousness.

"I don't know..... don't really feel comfortable about telling a stranger my problems cos she has a degree in what solving people's mental problems" I said in a breath.

"That's one way to put it" William said with a chuckle.

"Think about's for the best" he said giving my hand a light squeeze.

"I will" I said giving him a small smile.

"I literally got drilled in my office and it felt so good" William said switching back to his playful demeanor.

"William" I screamed.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"I don't want to know about your sex life and eew" I said giving him a pointed look.

"What? too much for your virgin ass" he said laughing hysterically.

"Fuck you" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Here's what you asked for" he said dropping my sleeping pills on the counter.

"Thanks" I said staring at the pills.

"You know that's not gonna help,you keep increasing your dosages" he said looking worried.

"I'll be fine and a couple pills won't be able to kill me" I said making him chuckle.

"That's why I love you you're strong" he said pecking my cheek.

"Ew that's disgusting" I said wiping my face profusely with the sleeve of the suit jacket I was wearing.

"Take care kiddo" he said hopping off the stool and heading for the front door.

"Hey you're only two months older" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Still counts" he yelled back followed by the sound of the door closing.

I opened the container popped five pills in my mouth went under the covers and dozed into a dreamless sleep.

I opened my eyes tiredly. I glanced at the time on my bedside table which read 3:25 in the afternoon.

The pills always made me groggy, tired and a little slow.

I kicked off the blanket hopped of the bed and dragged myself into the bathroom to take a shower.

I stepped out of the bathroom threw on a white tennis skirt a white button up shirt and a black vest on top.

I slipped into my heels carried my purse which had my phone, keycard, credit card and some cash.

I packed my hair into a ponytail applied  mascara, lipgloss and I was good to go. I grabbed a file I would be needing from my study.

I opened the front door of my penthouse and saw a bunch of roses on my door.

I picked it up and glanced around for the person that dropped it but found no one in the hallway. There wasn't a note on the follower either.

I dropped it on the kitchen counter and left the penthouse.

I stepped into the elevator fishing through my purse for my ringing phone.

"Nora I need to use your hotel as my wedding venue" Mia said as soon as I picked the call.

"Hello to you too" I said with a chuckle

"Nora focus" she said followed by the sound of a baby crying at the background.

A month after Micheal proposed Mia found out she was pregnant and decided to have the baby before the wedding.

"I was listening and of course you can use my hotel but you're not paying" I said sternly

"Wasn't planning to" she said making me laugh.

"I gotta go baby needs his bottle" she said and ended the call after I said my goodbye.

I stepped out of the elevator nodding my head at Melany and stepped into my office.

I spent the rest of the day working and going to meetings with Melany and William.

By the time my butt hit the chair of my office It was already ten in the night and I was beyond tired.

I kicked off the heels I've been wearing for more than five hours and massaged my sore feet.

I turned my spin chair to face the glass wall. I just stared at the people below me but my eyes zeroed on the girl Damien was with yesterday talking to none other than Edrin. What was he doing here all the way from LA and with that girl.

I ripped my gaze off them packed up my things and left the office. What he's doing here is non of my business.

I entered my elevator and pressed the floor of my penthouse. A hand slipped through stopping the door from closing.
When it opened fully Damien came into view giving me a large grin and stepped into the elevator.

I couldn't help the pang of jealousy I felt when I remembered Damien was with another girl.

He tried making conversation but I just remained silent. I was honestly tired of him leading me on only for him to switch it off.

"Nora" he said with a sigh.

"I missed you" he said holding my hands in his larger ones.

I'm sorry for not believing in you, I'm sorry for doing that to you, you don't know how much I hated myself for doing it" he said looking remorseful.

"Please give me another shot to make it up to you" He said placing a kiss at the back of my hand.

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