Chapter 29

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Damien's POV
    I couldn't help but smile warmly as I stared at her sleeping form beside me.

   After our little discussion in her office, I could feel she was beginning to own up to me.

   I quietly got off the bed grabbed my phone off the nightstand and left the room.

I walked over to her office, took the pictures of the pages in the journal and sent it to the scientist. Killed three birds with one stone.

The scientist got what he wanted, Nora will find her father and I'll have my wife forever.

I grabbed the laptop and hard drive from the table and left the office.

I walked down the stairs to see Lucas already waiting for me at the living room.

"Mr Von" he greeted with a bow "give this to Marco tell him to crack the passcodes on them and I want them ready in 48 hours" I said handing him the files. He bowed again and left the house.

I walked up the stairs but stopped midway when I noticed her standing at the top.

"Hey you okay?" I asked

"Yeah just need a glass of water" she said passing by me and headed to the kitchen.

I walked up the stairs and got back into bed. She came back a few minutes later and got under the covers.

I snuggled in closer to her and dozed off into a light slumber.

The sound of my phone's obnoxious ringing woke me up from my slumber giving me a little headache to top it all.

I groaned and subconsciously stretched my arms to touch Nora but only touched the bed. She was already up i thought with a sigh.

The ringing of my phone soon stopped and started again.

"Hello" I said said not glancing at the caller ID

"You engagements at 7:00pm don't be late" I heard and the call ended.

What the fuck. if they really think I was gonna get engaged to that plastic doll then they don't know me at all.

I got off the bed took a shower and went downstairs for breakfast. I stepped into the dining room took a seat and dived in.

"What's wrong?" I heard from beside me making me meet her gaze.

"No problem I'm good" I said with a forced smile.

"What happened to us being a team. My problems are your problems same as your problems are my problems. So what's wrong?" she asked making me sigh. How was I going to tell her.

"I have other ways of getting the answer out of you, which includes some of your toes going missing" She said raising up the table knife with a grin making me chuckle.

"Okay my father's not really your biggest fan right now so he wants me to take Stella as my second wife" I said in a breath as I watched her smile fall.

"And he went behind my back and arranged an engagement for me and Stella" I said as I stared at her fearing her reaction.

"Okay happy engagement" she said with a genuine smile and went upstairs.

She wasn't mad. why wasn't she mad?

didn't she feel what I feel for her?.

I got up, grabbed my keys and left the house.


I spent half my day going through my shipments which arrived and went to a meeting at my company. I packed up for the day grabbed my phone, keys and left the company.

I fished through my pocket when I heard a beep signifying a message. I sighed when I saw it was from my dad.

I couldn't help the shock and fear that gripped me when I stared at the message. He sent a picture of Nora unconscious and chained to the bed with a message at the bottom which said come over for the engagement or your wife gets it"

I dialed her number but it was switched off making me curse. I glanced at the time which read 6:50pm there's was no time to try and track her down.

I had no choice and with that I reared my car to life and drove to the direction of my dad's house.

I reached his place to see the main gate wide open with no guards on sight. Something was wrong i thought and I was immediately on guard.

I pulled up by the front porch grabbed my gun and came out. I looked around and just like the front there were no guards. The soft sound of music playing on the inside could still be heard.

Maybe I was just being paranoid.

I walked up the stairs and pushed the door open to find the living room and dining empty.

I tightened the hold on my gun and took a left going in the direction of the ballroom we had in the house. I pushed open the door and was shocked to see the sight that greeted me.

My parents and step siblings were tied up along with Stella and her parents in the middle of the room and were held at gunpoint by no one it her than Nora.

She was in a crop top and pajama shorts. Her left hand had blood on it which meant she was bleeding but looked fine so I just assumed the wound had healed.

"Damien thank goodness you're here your wife's gone crazy" Stella screamed as tears streamed down her eyes.

Nora just gave her a look and walked over to the corner of the room slid down the wall and sat down. A sigh escaping her lips.

"Where are the guards and everyone else?" I asked taking a seat next to her.

"I knocked out the guards and locked them in a room upstairs and sent the guests home " she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"You okay?" I asked her.
"Peachy" she said giving me a small smile.

"Damien come release us let's round up the engagement I'm sure you don't want to spend the rest of your life with the lunatic" my dad said struggling with his ropes making me chuckle.

"I'll be right back" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek and pushed herself off the wall.

I couldn't help but admire her confidence. She had a way of dealing with her problems but I wasn't complaining. After all she's my queen and anything she wants she gets.

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