Chapter 45

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Nora's POV
   "What's your plan after finding your father" he asked giving me a glance before turning back to the water.

I sigh left my lips when I heard his question.

"I've asked myself that question over over believe me" I said with a chuckle.

" I really don't know go to college, get a part time job, get a boyfriend" i said with a sigh.

"What about you what are you gonna do once I'm out of your hair?" I said making him chuckle.

"Focus on my business and Empire" he said curtly.

"Are you gonna marry again?" I asked turning my attention to him.

"Hell no" he said with a chuckle.

"Your drama is enough to last me a life time" he said turning to face me making me laugh softly.

We just stayed there in silence enjoying each other's company for a few more minutes before we decided to head back.

"Let's stop at the grocery store" I said and he nodded.

When we stopped and went in I grabbed a basket and went to the ice cream section packing any kind of ice cream I could get my hands on.

"You've already had ice cream what do you need these for?" Damien asked with a chuckle.

"For later" I said with a duh tone making him chuckle.

"Hi" two girls came over waving at us more like Damien.

I gave them a small wave not to make them feel stupid as Damien didn't even spare them a glance.

"You are so hot. are you an angel?" The girl gushed making me chuckle discreetly. More like the devil from the deepest parts of hell.

"Here's my number call me" she said putting the paper forcefully into his hands and running off with her friend both squealing and giggling at each other.

Damien just muttered something under his breath and shoved the paper into my leather jacket making me scowl at him.

I walked over to another section and packed a lot of cup noodles.

There weren't a lot of snacks in the house cos the people there eat like they've been starved all their life.

I also took bread pasta, more Mac and cheese jam and jelly with Nutella. All the while Damien just followed silently like a lost puppy.

I finally bought all I needed and went to the counter to pay. Once we paid we got into the car and left.

We parked in front of the safe house and went in with Damien carrying the bags. I followed him into the kitchen to find most of his men already having dinner. They greeted us politely as we passed by.

Damien dropped the bags on the counter leaving me to arrange the ice cream in the fridge as he went to get some water.

I saw the way his mens eyes lit up when they saw the ramen and ice cream making me glare silently. Not gonna happen.

I arranged the ice cream carefully into the fridge before going to stack the Ramen and other stuff I bought in a cabinet.

Once I was done I turned to face his men giving them a hard look "If even a drop of my ice cream goes missing I'm gonna cut each and everyone of your balls and shove it down each other throats" I said making them gulp as they threw a glance at each other.

"Do I make myself clear?" I asked and they all nodded "good" I said and went upstairs to find Damien.

I entered the room to find Damien shirtless I couldn't help but stare cos Damn this man was fine.

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