Chapter 24

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Nora's POV
I couldn't help but crunch my face in disgust when I sniffed one of the many spices in the cabinet.

I'm currently standing in the middle of Damien's huge kitchen in a hoodie and pajama shorts by 2:00am in the morning.

The whole shopping and dinner drained me both physically and mentally and the worse part was I didn't even get to eat. That's why I'm here right now.

I wasn't really in the mood for a heavy meal so I just decided to make some ramen. I turned off the gas turned the noodles into a bowl, took a seat on the counter and dived in.

When I was done I placed the bowl in the sink washed my hands and went back to bed.

I got under the covers and was immediately scooped like a giant teddy bear by Damien. I could tell he had something on his mind cos he hasn't slept a wink since we got into bed.

"You okay?" I asked after sometime. "Yeah just stressed with work" he said with a sigh nuzzling deeper into my neck.

I found it very annoying at first but I'm kind of getting used to it. The first few minutes are always awkward for me cos I'm not really much of a hugger.

I just laid there staring at nothing before finally drifting off to sleep.

"Mum come look at my snow man" a younger version of me screamed at my mom standing at the front porch

"Sweetie it looks amazing" she said with that loving smile on her face.

"This is daddy snowman I'm gonna make momma snow man then I'll make me snowman" I said hopping up and down in excitement.
My eyes snapped open surveying around the room for any threats. When I found none i grabbed my phone off the night stand and checked the date. Of course it was today that's why I saw her in my dream.

I sat up with a sigh running my hands through my hair. I turned my gaze to the side to find Damien's side of the bed empty.

Not really in the mood for any workouts I headed straight for the showers. I stepped out pulled on a hoodie and cargo pants along with my Jordan's.

I let my hair fall loosely grabbed my car key and some cash and I was good to go.I walked down the stairs and out the door not sparing anyone a glance.

I wasn't really in the mood for talking and was quite thankful a specific person staring at me curiously when I left didn't stop me. I would likely have snapped at him.

I got into the car and drove off.

I pulled over at the familiar old rusty gates, grabbed the flower I bought from the passengers seat and went in.

I passed by several grave stones before stopping in front of one. I felt tears well up my eyes as I stared at the familiar name on the stone Isabella Evan. My mom.

I kneeled in front of the grave and placed the flowers on it. "Hey mum it's me, how've you been doing?" I asked in a croaked voice "I have so much to tell you, I'm actually married" I said with a nervous laugh.

"He's cute, sweet ,nice and annoying as fuck, the marriage is more of a contract so we both benefit from it. But I wouldn't have asked for a better partner" I said as a small smile graced my lips when i thought of my dad.

"I still haven't found him yet or maybe I'm not just doing good enough" I said as tears welled my eyes once again but I wiped them off before they could fall.

"But I promise you this, I'll make sure he visits you before your birthday next year" I said as determination laced my voice.

I spent a few more hours sitting there and reminiscing the days where we were once a happy family.

I stood up cleaned the dust off my clothes and walked to the car, I got in reared the engine to life and drove off.

But instead of driving home I suddenly took a turn I didn't really know where I was going but trusted my intuition it was never wrong.

I pulled over and got out. I stared at the familiar building that held so much memories the place I once called home.

This was the first time since we left I actually came here cos I couldn't remember the way back and Smith said he like most of my dad's s colleagues didn't know where he stayed. He just got a call from my dad that day to wait for him in the forest.

The house was looking old but it was still good shape. I climbed the front porch the wood cracking loudly under me. I turned the door handle but as I suspected it was locked.

I looked around making sure I was the only one around. I went back a few feet before kicking the door which came down in a go landing on the floor with a loud thud.

I stepped in to find the place exactly as I remembered. White sheets were placed over the furniture.

I went the stairs but stopped as I stared at our family portraits that were now covered in dust but continued on my way.

I pushed the door of my room open to see it in a mess with everything troppled over. Of course they searched the house I thought.

I walked into my parents room to see the same thing was done there. I walked over the bed flipped off the mattress. I stared at the iron surface at the bottom, took out the dagger and removed a square piece which revealed a lock with numbers.

I quickly tapped in the code and it opened with a click. I pushed open the safe and brought out a few files, a laptop and a hard drive and took a brief glance at the files

"Bingo" I said as a smirk made it's way to my face.

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