Chapter 30

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Nora's POV
   I didn't mind Damien having a second wife after all our marriage was just a contract but to that doll face bimbo. Hell no.

I'm pretty sure I'll kill her before they can even go on their honeymoon. That girl just ticks me off.

  I wasn't planning on going out today and I needed to release this pent up anger in me so I decided to hit the gym before I go on a killing spree.

  After working out for the whole day I took a shower slipped into a crop top and pajama shorts. I didn't really have anything to do so I decided to take a walk around the house a bit.

I put on my flip flops and went out of the house to take a walk outside.

I walked over to the side of the house and was at awe when I saw the beautiful garden filled with fruits and flowers.

It had a swing in the middle so I walked over  took a sea, pushing myself a little for some movement.

All I want is to find my father not this family drama with me caught in the middle.

A white cloth was placed over my nose making me roll my eyes but decided to play along. I struggled against the person holding me down before pretending to go limb in his arms.

The person carried me in bridal style kept me in the back seat of the car and drove off.

Either the person was an insider or had someone working for him on the inside either way we had a rat.

The car pulled up and after a minute we drove again and came to a stop. The back door of the car was opened and I was carried out. I heard voices around me and I recognized every last one of them. I was with Damien parents and that doll faced bimbo.

I was brought into a room, placed and chained to the bed followed by the sound of feet going further way from me and the door was closed behind me.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling with a sigh. This isn't what I wanted. All I wanted was to find my father and lay low. Is Damien really worth all this? I couldn't help but think with a sigh.

I soon got a throbbing headache and dozed off into a light slumber.

The sound of footsteps approaching and the keys fiddling with the lock woke me up from my slumber but I kept my eyes closed.

The door was pushed open and the sound of footsteps approached coming to a stop near the bed.

I didn't need to open my eyes to know who was standing over me it was Damien's stepbrother staring at me with nothing but lust in his eyes.

His fingers trailed my cheek i willed myself to bear a little longer. But all my self restraint went out the fucking window when he groped my breast.

I snapped my eyes open and yanked my hands forward making the chains binding my wrists snap.

He stood there staring at me in shock I used this as an opening. I grabbed his neck chocking him as he clawed my hands gasping for air.

"Do you have a death wish?" I asked with a chuckle as I tightened my hold around his neck making him struggle more.

"You are kind of weak for a man" I said with a chuckle and threw him to the other side of the room making him land with a thud as he gasped for air.

I got off the bed and glanced at the idiot still gasping for air on the ground.

"What time is it?" I asked taking in his outfit he was dressed in a fancy well tailored suit.

"A few minutes to six the guest for the engagement are already arriving" he said with a fit of coughs making me sigh.

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