Chapter 18

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Nora's POV
  Walking up the front porch of the house I pushed open the door and stepped in to be greeted with the guy I met in front of his office yesterday.

"Welcome Miss Evans Mr Von had been expecting you right this way"he said walking up the familiar staircase I went through yesterday.

I couldn't help but stiffen slightly as the sound of my last name I couldn't really remember the last time I used it.

The clearing of throat snapped me out of my thoughts as I glanced up the stairs to see the guy waiting for me at the top.I quickly regained myself and followed after him.

We walked through the large hallway past his study until we stopped in front of two large double doors, he pushed one side of the door open and stepped aside leaving me to walk in alone. As soon as I walked in the sound of the door closing was heard behind me.

I looked around what looked like a meeting room until my gaze stopped at the familiar Blue eyed man staring back at me at the head of the table as he gestured me to take a seat.

I walked over to where he was took a seat next to him and looked opposite me to see a young guy around the age of Damien staring at me with his eyes dancing in amusement.

"Dammy you said you were getting married but you never told me she was this beautiful" the guy said with a flirty smile playing on his lips as Damien scowled at him.

"Where are my manners Felix at your service"he said bowing a little "Nora"I said curtly giving him a bored look "you don't talk much do you" he said more of a statement than a question.

" Can we just get this over with"Damien said with a sigh.

Felix then brought out the contract followed we signed followed by what I assumed will be the marriage contract he then spoke about the rules of the marriage how long we would be married for before either of us could file for divorce.

Once he was done he pushed the certificate over to Damien for signing who signed it without hesitation when he gave it to me I too signed it without hesitation.

"Congratulations you are now married" he said but before he could continue his phone started ringing. He excused himself to answer the call and came back a few minutes later saying he had some work to do and with that I was left alone with Damien who was busy texting on his phone.

I walked out of the room walked further down the hall and stopped in front of a door. I pushed it open and saw my luggage at the side close to the closet.

I walked in kicked off my Nike,removed my joggers and replaced them with booty shorts. I tied my hair in a messy bun then I started unpacking.

I removed the mattress flipped the bed over and clipped my gun shelf right under it before clipping a few of my guns,dagger and kept extra bullet there too.

I went all around the room either placing guns or daggers under the mini tables and mirror. once I was satisfied I began unpacking my clothes by the time I was done I was way more than tired so I decided to take a bath,eat dinner and go to bed.

Walking into the bathroom i decided to go with the tub instead of the shower. I filled the tub with water and stepped in.

I felt so relaxed I couldn't help but sink deeper as I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth.

When are you going back? The unknown man asked as the sound of waves and seagulls were heard around

I don't know Gerald said with a sigh

Don't you miss her:the man asked

Not a day goes by without me thinking about her I'm sure she won't remember me she was so young back then Gerald said with his voice dripping with sadness

I snapped my eyes back open as I sat back up taking in my surrounding. I soon relaxed as I realized I was still in the bathtub i couldn't help the tears that welled up my eyes as I saw him for the first time in ten years but blinked them back I got out of the now cold bathtub grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body.

I need a drink I thought and with that I dived into the clothes smith gave me and pulled out a black leather turtle necked gown with stopped on my mid thigh and hugged my figure perfectly, let my hair loose of the bun as it fell over my shoulders in waves put on lip gloss and mascara and strapped on my heels.

I picked up my black purse placed my phone and some cash in and sauntered out of the room I couldn't help the way my ass bounced anytime I moved whether I was in baggy clothes or the tightest shit you would ever find it was still gonna move.

The sound of my heels clicking as I came down the stairs attracted the attention of everyone in the living room but my eyes zeroed on the lovely sight in front of me.

The blonde haired girl I saw yesterday was straddling Damien as she grinded on him. A victorious smirk played on her face as she saw me making me tilt my head to the side confused.

Didn't he tell her we were married, it was really none of my fuckin business. removing my gaze from them I realized the dining room was packed with a few of his men but all their attention were on me with nothing but lust in their eyes. Men are disgusting.

Once I reached the last step I sauntered out of the house not even giving anyone a second glance but stopped when I heard his voice " and where do you think you're going dressed like that" Damien asked but I could hear he was mad what's up with him " To have a little fun" I said as I opened the front door and walked out not waiting for his reply.

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