Chapter 50

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Nora's POV
   The elevator door closed shut and began moving. The tension in here was so much it could be sliced with a knife.

I could he wanted to talk to me but didn't know how?.

I should have taken the stairs.

"Nora" he called my name making me stiffen. I will not be weak. It seemed like luck was on my side as the door pinged open and three other people stepped in.

I shifted to the side to give them more space. I guess because we were no longer alone he didn't try to talk to me.

My phone blared through the awkward elevator ride. I sighed when I saw the caller ID and answered it.

"Yes William" I said glancing at the numbers on the elevator.

"Bitch I lost my keycard for the penthouse" he said sounding completely wasted.

"Tell the staff to get you a new one" I said with a sigh.

"That's too much work, leave the man whore you are with and come open the door for me" he screamed and I removed the phone from my ear.

"Alright I'll be right there" I said and ended the call.

"Jackass" I muttered.

The elevator door pinged open, the others came out including Damien's men.

I exhaled a breath when the elevator door close leaving me and Damien in the elevator.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me to him. He pressed a kiss on my shoulder and fuck it felt amazing His hand trailed up my thighs brushing my clit through the material.

The elevator door pinged when it reached the floor of my penthouse making me shove him off. I gave him a blank look and walked away.

I walked over to my penthouse door to find William laying passed out on the floor.

I swiped my key card on the door and opened it.

"William" I called but he didn't reply making me sigh.

"William" I called kicking him a little making him groan.

"Com'n let's get you inside" i said pulling him up and taking him inside.

"Bitch where have you been, I was so cold" he said hugging me and crying hysterically. This is gonna be a long night.

After calming him down I took off his shoes socks, suit jacket and laid him on my bed.

I squatted beside where he lay to drop his phone at the bedside table but he suddenly sprang up and puked on me.

"Fucking hell" I muttered staring at my body.

"You are so dead" I said stomping to the bathroom to take a shower.

I spent up to an hour scrubbing my body clean.
When I was done I changed into my pajamas and went to my study to get some work done.

"Bitch why are up so early" William said barging into my office like he owned the place.

William wasn't a morning person so I was quite surprised to see him up already. I glanced at the time on my phone screen and sighed when I saw the time.

It was already noon. I worked through out the night and the morning. Wow I really am a Workaholic.

"Jesus Christ my head hurts" William said taking a seat on the couch.

"You look like shit" I said my eyes not leaving my laptop.

"I feel like shit" he grumbled out massaging his temples.

"When going out don't forget to take the gown I wore yesterday" I said flipping through the file in my hands.

"The dress you wore yesterday why should I take it?" he asked confused

"For dry cleaning since you puked on it and find your fucking keycard" I snapped at him.

"Alright alright sheesh you don't have to be pushy about it" he muttered quietly.

"I had the best time with my star player last night" he said staring at the ceiling dreamily.

"Aren't you supposed to wait for the right person or something like that?"I asked flipping through the file.

"Hold it you three millennium old leech who still does that?" William asked looking at me like I had three heads.

"Wait....don't tell me.....are you actually still a virgin" William said adjusting himself in the chair so he was facing me.

"It doesn't matter" I said clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Oh emm so need to get laid tonight" he said kicking his legs like a high school girl who just got her first kiss

"We have a meeting in thirty minutes so I suggest you go get ready" I said giving him a pointed look.

"Alright I'll get going tootles" he said standing up and waving girlishly making me chuckle.

"I really need to stop working myself out" I said with a sigh sinking deeper into my seat. A nap was long overdue but no time for that right now.

I went into the bathroom in my room and took a shower. I got dressed in a black short suit skirt black turtled neck crop top and the suit jacket on top.

I paired it with my black heels curled my hair grabbed my phone keycard, kept them in my purse and left my penthouse.

The security at my floor stood straighter when they saw me and bowed their head in greeting.

"Is my elevator done?" I asked glancing at it.
"Not yet Ma'am it will be ready by the end of the day " the security said with a bow.

I glanced at the elevator I entered yesterday and shivered. I'd rather take the stairs. I just hope we won't cross paths till his stay is over.

I went to the restaurant in the hotel where the meeting was taking place to see William and my secretary already waiting. He cleaned up quite nice.

"Good morning Miss Evans"Melany my secretary said with a smile and briefed me about the meeting while we waited.

The person we had a meeting with finally showed up fifteen minutes late.

Not wanting to waste time we shook hands and began the meeting. Throughout the discussion Mr Dennis kept glancing at my legs which made me a little uncomfortable.

"The module is amazing, I would love to invest but I would like to speak the terms and conditions alone" he said with a disgusting smirk on his face.

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