chapter 13~fifth year

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☆ boggarts. ☆


17th January 1976

3 days had past since both Peter and Regulas incident and sirius purposely ignored Peter now but Regulas new how to hit sirius in the right ways to get him to react so James and remus made it there life mission to keep them separated.

Sirius was eating though only because remus practically shoved it down his throat but at least he was eating and that was all that remus really cared about.

The five of them James, Peter, lilly , sirius and remus all sat in the great hall all sat abit separat from eachothet , except for lilly and james, lilly was culled up in James lap sipping on her tea and james arms were wrapped gently around her

Sirius had his eyes closed as he layed on the table and cuddled a cup of black coffee and remus was sat opposite him grazing through his study notes and peter awkwardly sat away from both couples

"What do we have first" sirius mumbled his eyes still closed and cheek still stuck on the table

"Defence against the dark arts" Peter said sipping on a cup of water and sirius groaned against the table

"How are you still tiered you literally slept in and went to bed early" James said taking a sip of coffee

"Sorry I value sleep unlike you crazy people" sirius mumbled again finally lifting his head up and opening his eyes

"Oi, mopp figure out a plan yet" sirius said against his coffee mugg before takeing a sip and nudging remus under the table.

"No, do you see my piles of homework I have, theres no time to think, anyone else got any ideas" remus said looking at everyone but they all looked stumpt.

"I'll keep thinking can't let down my roll of the mopp can I" remus said rolling his eyes back to his studie sheets

"No you can't better get on it mopp" sirius grinned earning a nudged on the foot bye remus

The 5 of them all stumbled there way towards the classroom and remus practically cheered as there was no sign of Snape or Regulas before they entered the classroom.

The tables and chairs were pushed to the side and eveyone stood in a semi circle surrounding a old looking dresser that was sealed shut with a padlock

"Now that we are here, today we will be learning how to defend are selves against boggarts can we please tell me what a boggart is please, Mr potter" the perfessor spoke up and james stood tall

"A boggart is a magical creature that takes the form of the thing the person fears the most" James said confidently watching as the professor nodded along with James awnser

"And miss Evans what do you say to protect yourself against a boggart" the professor said again calling upon lilly

"Redikulas" lilly said watching as the old looking cubbored shook around infront of the class

"Exilent 5 points to griffindor now line up, line up single file so you can have a go for yourself, now remember as scary as it may be it isn't real" the professor spoke and the line formed eveyone pushing and shoveing place

Lilly ended up frist, she gave the professor a slight nod and with a swish of his wand the padlock clicked and dropped and the doors flew open and a thick cloud of pitch back smoke came shooting out and with a big gush the smoke swallowed lilly placing her in the middle of darkness and a faint scream echoed the class

James stood taller clenching his wand but the sound of lilly chanting ridikulous echoed aswell and the think pitch black smoke evaporated into light gray bubbles and lillys laughter emerged with her she escaped the sea of bubbles

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