chapter 1~fifth year

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☆ Makeing mistakes ☆


August 29th 1975

"Ouch" remus winced as his grandmother poked him slightly on the shoulder with a pin the pain was only slight but enough to make remus react, she was altering his white button up shirt so it fit him for school.

"Oh that didn't hurt" she huffed threading the pin back throw and tying if off

"James said he was happy to take me to diagon ally, so I can bye some new uniform I don't see why not" remus spoke again makeing sure his tone was soft

"Absolutely not you should be lucky I let you even go to that loony bin of a school I'll be damnd if I let you surround yourself with more people like that" his grandma finish with a sturn vocie and remus hung his head low in defeat

Ever since his father and mother were killed bye grey back remus grandmother watched over him, she forever hated magic and thought it was the devils work, she nearly didn't allow remus to attend hogwarts until dumbldore insisted

Remus didn't mind his grandma's house or his grandmother, she was strict and took to raising a child the old fashion way, she was a muggle and her rule was no nonsense of magic to be talked about in her house

But his grandma also resented him for his furry little problem, she hated the wolf in him and made sure remus New that, she said it was the works of the devil and that it was a beast and even though she was referring to the wolf deep down she was still referring to remus, no family new remus was alive eveyone on his mother's side new nothing of him or thought he died and he probably had family on his father's side but his grandma was very against anything to do with his father.

Remus couldn't wait for the summer to end, he wanted to see hogwarts again he wanted to see james and Peter, and wanted to see sirius again

He wanted to see sirius raven black hair that curled to his shoulders, he wanted to get lost his his pecieing grey blue eyes, but remus snapped to reality as his grandmother pinched him again and remus shook his head as if he was drying of a wet rag and huffed running a hand through the honey brown mopp on his head.

Remus had had thoughts like those for awhile and never seemed to lose them, the thought of sirius made him want to scream and kick his feet, he felt like a love sick teenager and cringed at the thought of his feelings.

Sirius was a guy that like grils and dated grils and remus had hoped the silly little feeling of butterfly's the second sirius got close to him or the shudder of goosebumps whenever sirius touched remus would soon fade on its own, but it wasnt fading quick enough.

September 3rd 1975

The summer soon ended and remus felt complete again walking his cart through the train station, the muggles around him rushing around the station quickly finding the trains they needed to bored

Remus walked as fast as his newly found long legs would take him and he quickly scurried along, soon enough he pushed himself through the platform 9¾ and was quickly surrounded bye wizards and witch's, he past the group of frist years scurrying there way around, crying and clinging to there parents before saying good bye

Remus longed that feeling, he never had it he never had the feeling of missing someone so much he cried for them, his grandma never saw him off not even on his frist day at hogwarts she said there were to many loony people that worshipped the devil and she would never surround herself with such people.

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