chapter 2~fifth year

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☆ cuts and brusies ☆


September 6th ,1975

3 days, 3 painful days sirius had succeeded in crushing remus haret, an odd few Hi's hear and there but nothing more the only way sirius would ever be close to remus was when they had to be and even then it was awkward, they didn't even act this way when they were mad at each other it was like him and sirius were strangers, mabye remus shouldn't of given sirius advice, remus drowned himself in the thought that if he hadn't told sirius to go for it mabye they would still be good friends

Although remus hated the feeling, dispised it, he didn't want to push sirius, sirius said he didnt know what he wanted, but bye the awkwardness between then remus had gathered sirius didn't want him, so remus went back to hoping the feeling would go away, quickly.

Remus was sat up in the doorm room trying his hardest to escape the ear percing horrible singing comeing from the drunk griffindors in the common room, james had been assigned quddich team captain and the celebrations concluded with fire whiskey and witch's brew

Remus was sat quietly on his bed reading a book and smoking when a vocie sung his name from the hall

"Moooonnneyyyyy" the vocie called and the owner to the vocie soon burst through the door, it was sirius He was drunkly leaning on the door way

"There you are, you and your pretty eyes hiding away, as Pur usual" sirius muttered with a hiccup and sigh moveing his way into the room and letting the door behide him shut

Sirius hadn't muttered a proper sentence to remus in so long, and the frist time he does he call his eyes pretty.

"Your drunk" remus said stubbing out his cigarette and makeing his way to his feet, sirius had soon stumbled his way over and was lent up against the bed post

"No pffft, maby, but we need to talk" sirius said again standing up straight and remus was shocked to his words this boy was more confusing evey single day.

"I kissed you" sirius said hiccuping after the sentence

"And I ran away, because becuse honestly i dont even know" sirius spluttered out again and remus waited untill he was finished

"Anyway I have thought it through and honestly I don't care what you think, i kissed you and hell would do it again" sirius spluttered out again and remus was at a lost for words again but refused to let sirius run away again but the problem was sirius was drunk very drunk and remus New he probably wouldn't remember a split about what is happening right now

"Your not talking, why aren't you talking" the expression of confidence on sirius face was soon fading away evey second remus stood there silent

Remus didn't say a word he only shifted closer he didn't know what he could say he was confused and all the things he had planned to say seemed to fall from his brain

"What If i said i wanted to kiss you again to, what would you do" remus managed to huff out as both boys had shifted closer to one an another, there faces inches away from each other

Remus could feel sirius breath, the warm air brushing his skin and sooner or later he felt the press of sirius warm lips once more, sirius kissed him, again and kissed harder and deeper then before and remus could taste the fire whiskey on him

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