chapter 4~fifth year

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☆ home sweet home. ☆


October 1st, 1975

Remus hadn't spoke to sirius about any of his feelings yet which was killing him he didn't know how to and sirius was hours away from returning back to his home. Remus just stayed quiet he would do it when he had come home back to hogwarts.

"C'est pour ça que c'est ça, je le jure devant Dieu James, c'est pour ça que je déteste quand tu nettoies mon côté de toi, putain" sirius poured from his mouth, the anger behide his French shooting through, he had completely turned there semi clean dorm room upside down trying to find his wand.

Remus was sat on the floor, sorting through books as he watched as sirius franticly pulled apart his bed ripping away his bed sheets and rummaging through everything.

"Wormy I swear to God stop breathing so loud" sirius shot from across the room and Peter was to busy concentrating hard on balancing books in his hands

"Jees pads should we start calling you moony" James said holding back his laughter

"Oi , I'm not this physco" moony said also containing his laughter

"Both of you are gonna be sleeping in the lake tonight" sirius muttered throwing things around the room now

"And how are you gonna pull that of with ya know, no wand" remus teased smirking but sirius just stood there irritated at his words

"Moons, I swear to god im gonna" sirius muttered but cut himself of as remus stood up

"What ,your gonna what" remus said questioning sirius absence of words, remus walked over closer to sirius keeping a friendly distance between them

"Can't do anything without this" remus said reaching over and plucking the wand from sirius hair, it was shoved in there keeping it tied back, they all knew this hole time but played along with the madness of the morning.

"Pricks, the lot of ya" sirius said snaching the wand from remus's hand

"So, you gonna help clean" James said laughing along with Peter and even remus chuckled slightly

"I have a train to catch" sirius said and james raised and eyebrow

"Yea at twelve it's currently seven forty five" James said throwing back the clothes sirius had flung around the room

"Ugh dont remind me" sirius said walking over to his bed but before he reached it his foot seem to get caught on something and slip around

"Fuck James, you can't leave that God damn thing laying around" sirius said plucking the invisibility cloak from the floor

"Ha, wondered where that ran off to" James smiled walking over to take the cloack

"Omg it's brilliant" James shouted before takeing the cloak in his hands

"Huh" sirius said raising both his eye brows looking to remus but remus stood just as confused as him

"One of us could go with you, help you if anything happened" James exclaimed and sirius expression dropped

"Not happening potter, absolutely not it's to dangerous" sirius said glancing back at remus looking for help to unconvinc James but remus thought it was an amazing idea

"It's bloody genius prongs" remus exclaimed actually agreeing with him

"It's to dangerous" sirius said again getting irritated

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