chapter 9~fifth year

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☆ are you comeing home. ☆


December 6th 1975

His emotions painted over messy hand writing on his page, he couldn't read he hadn't been able to in days. As the little vocie in his head kept jumberling the words the letters on the paper seem to jump around and move, his thoughts were Like that jumberling and messy he couldn't think straight and honestly started to think it was all a dream

He would wake up earlier now before the marauders giving him time to get out before they woke up, and for acouple of seconds he wishes that today would be the day that sirius told him that none of it was real or that he was forced into saying it

The cold morning air breezed through, it was colder now at hogwarts, the mornings were glazed over with a misty fog that made your fingers numb and the fireplace crackled all night long trying to warm the cold tower

There were still stars in the sky but the dark grey of the night was shifting to a darker blue and the stars began to burn out, That's the problem with stars they tend to burn out.

He shifted his weight out of his warm bed the cold breeze washing over him as he left the warmth of the covers, it made goosebumps paint up his skin that was covered with sweat pants and a knitted jumper

"Bit cold aye"

A vocie stung through the air and remus pricked his ear to the window still and the faint smell of burning cigarette lingered around the air

Remus eyes met sirius as he was sitting in the window sill with his knees pulled to his chest and he smoked into the cold morning air, remus ignored his words and just stood still

"So that's it, we're not even gonna act like friends" sirius said letting his eyes fall to remus's

Act like friends, is he fucking Dulustional remus didn't want anything to do with him he didn't even want to pretend to like him he didn't even want to hear his name

"Friends, right so do friends tell your biggest secret to people" remus said back his vocie hushed and calm

"I'm sorry"

"Shut up" remus said his vocie getting heavy and his body tensed as sirius planted his feet to the ground and stood up from the window still

"Moons please" sirius begged quietly, reaching out to grab remus hand and remus snapped his wrist away from sirius fingers in a flash of anger

"You dont get to touch me, ever"

"So that's it then your just gonna hate me forever?" sirius begged again standing back

"That's right" remus snapped his vocie finally above a whisper not even careing for his sleeping friends in the room

"You just keep away from me, or I'll bit you it will be a lot less funny then you think it is" remus snipped again and watched sirius face pale over and tense his body failing to hide the pain in his eyes but Remus didn't care for his pain at this bloody moment in time

10th December 1975

"So yes or no?" Lillys vocie echoed into remus ears as they were sat in the common room "remus are you listening to me"


"God here take this" lilly passed over the small bottle of pepper up and went back to the notes piled infront of her on the coffee table "you look ill , have you slept" Lilly said with a anxious smile and the honest awnser was no

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