chapter 8~fith year

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where's padfoot? ☆


28th November 1975

Full moons caused remus to completely combust they made him on edge and anger burned through his veins, but the marauders loved it they loved that they could easily poke at him and get reactions and after 4 years they had learned what buttons to push

"What's up, moons" sirius chripped as remus sluggishly limped over to the bathroom his hip in agony

"Not today pads" remus mumbled and walked through the bathroom doors

"Bright and cheerful as always moons" sirius sung as remus slung the door shut and took a deep breath before reaching for his tooth brush

"Is remus here" a vocie echoed from outside the bathroom and remus felt like staying locked away as he recognised the cheerful tone that always lingered in Mary's sweet vocie

"Yea he's brushing his teeth, he should be done soon" Peter said happily and remus huffed annoyed that Peter ratted him out

Mary was pinned in setting him and tristion up, and apparently tristion was still very into him and even became more wanting now that remus didn't seem interested ,because he wasn't

"He's busy he'll be done later, so bye" sirius snipped and remus washed out his mouth and opened the door not even bothered to hide anymore

"No it's ok what's up" he said and watched as sirius rolled his eyes clearly knowing what she was up to

"Triston arksed me to arks you if you wanted to meet him after classes" Mary smiled and sirius face dropped with a stone look

"Uh I don't know I think that I uh"

"Were studieing, yep all afternoon, so no time for that" sirius smiled passive aggressively and it made remus giggle abit at the action

"What are you his keeper?" Mary snapped at sirius

"No im" sirius stopped at his own words "I'm his body guard honestly every man and his owl wants remus, I think we need to check for love potions, honestly" sirius said quickly in a panic and james erupted into laughter

"Don't forget the grils still want him" james added on and sirius waved his arms showing Mary someone agreed with him

"God sirius why are you being so boring I have seen you turn down about 5 grils this week, just because your being boring doesn't mean remus has to be" Mary chipped again with a eye roll

"It's fine Mary, like sirius said lots of homework, sorry" remus gave a smile but was actually relived she took that awnser and started walking away.

"Why don't you like tristion" Peter's vocie echoed into the room, his question shoting to sirius and sirius looked like he was gonna whip out a 12ft long list

"Short awnser, he's a man whore that I don't want hurting our poor moony" sirius said smileing while placing a tie around his neck and brealy tieing it up

"Well I mean your also a man whore so you can't really comment on that" Peter said his vocie harsh and prickly with no humor even hidden behide it

"Bugga off what are we on, the 4 girlfriend this year peter" sirius shot back to Peter returning his bitterness

And the tow boys just stared at each other with clenched fist before the slicence was broken bye james being a mediator

"Ok let's just get some brekkie ok" James voice flew through the room and sirius rolled his eyes as James directed Peter out of the dorm

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