chapter 10~fith year

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Christmas. ☆


"Tell me" remus huffed again getting irritated from the silence from both lilly and sirius

"NOW" he demanded not even careing for the roughness in his vocie and he tried his hardness not to notice sirius flinch from it

"NO" sirius barked back sitting up straight

"You you really think you of all people have a right to keep shit from me that envovles me" remus shot back and copied sirius stance and sat up straight throwing his book to the side

"It doesn't matter just drop it" sirius spat again and lilly was looking at him with daggers and hee face was turning red

"Your a prick, your hurting him more keeping him from it" she said again and sirius jaw clenched but his eyes widened at her words and it looked like rilistion had just slapped him in the face

"Snape put veritersirum in his tea that night and then cornered him and-"

"Shut it Evans" sirius spat again and lilly wasn't mad only annoyed he cut her off

Remus sat stund, this whole time this whole time and sirius didn't mention a fucking thing, he let a whole month pass, he let remus think that the person he loves betrayed his trust and suffer for ages trying so hard to hate sirius

"Think about it remus, all the things he said about well uh you know the conversation how he admitted all of that stuff willingly, honestly I don't know how we didn't see it" lilly chripped and sirius rolled his eyes with a huff

"How - what I what" remus managed to huff out as he stared at sirius

"Snape got drunk and admitted to his great plan succeeding and then spilled it all to me trying to win me back over" lilly muttered "I told sirius frist thinking he would be smart for once and tell you"

"What was the point Evans, I still told snape" sirius barked crossing his arms Remus was sat stunned what was going on, no this couldn't happen

"Why did you not say anything" remus snapped towards sirius struggling to keep his hands and body from tremberling

He couldn't breath, sirius was so pinned in apologising and saying he didn't mean to hurt him all bloody month, but now he had a chance to actually grab remus forgiveness and now he doesn't ,what doesn't care or doesn't want remus annymore, maby the time apart had convinced or show sirius that under the honey brown hair and amber eyes is a beast bound to hurt people, with freakels and scars covering his tanned skin makeing him look more like a monster

"Would you of listened, you made it very clear you didn't want anything to do with me" sirius spat, sirius walls were crumbling and the hurt and anger in remus's vocie was softening as he watched the tears pooling in sirius eyes

"That's was when your only exuse for doing what you did was for a prank" remus spat again and the train cabin felt empty the only way remus New all there friends were sitting here with them was lillys soft hand on his knee and he could see james foot nudging sirius

"I still fucking told him, whether I was drugged up or fucking not, fuck this" sirius spat and shot from his seat and swung the train doors open and escaped out

Oh no he doesn't, he doesn't get to run he gets to stay and explain to remus talk to remus cry to remus so remus could just fucking hold him one more bloody time

Remus shot up aswell his head spinning from how fast he stood up but he regained balance and ignored the shooting pain in his hip and he stepped over the groups legs sprawled around the cabin

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