chapter 12~fifth year

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☆  love potions. ☆


January 14th, 1976

"Stay still" sirius groaned

"Ouch" remus hissed out as a quick slight pain ran up his hand were sirius had previously slapped it away, sirius had straddle remus pinning his arms down with his legs and was trying to draw stars along remus face

"I have class" remus said defeated

"So, you love when I do them" sirius chipped up sticking his tongue out to continue his art, sirius was right remus did love them he even loved looking at his scars now just to see them, but he had class and they weren't in a place he could hide them

"Sirius get of the poor boy" lilly chirpped from behind the tow and sirius eyes diverted towards the doorway were lilly was stood

"I'm nearly done, the lot of you shush I gotta concentrate" sirius looked back to his art work along remus cheek and began to draw another star, his hair that he had tucked behide his ear fell down of his shoulder inches away from remuss cheek, his blue eyes concentrated following as he dragged the pen softly with one arm and the other arm sat at the side of remus head holding sirius upper body up, his face was close enough remus could see the frekels along his top lip and nose

"Done" sirius chirped leaning up ripping the sight of his frekels from remus's eyes and sitting gently ontop of remus and clicked the pen lid back into place, and gently crawled off of remus letting his arms free and a sudden band echoed the bathroom and james waltz out

"Sirius get dressed, Peter don't get grumpy breakfast is in 10 and remus your my favourite child, as always" James said with a wink escaping the bathroom fully dressed and ready for the day

"Hey that hurt my feelings" sirius said flinging a pillow in James direction

"Well if ya didn't over sleep, cleaned your room more or even tried to not dress like a four year old then maby you would be ranked higher" James winked returning the pillow sirius had flung across the room

"Hallo my love ,sorry just had to wrangle the kids" James said slowling down his words as he turned to lilly and pecked her on the cheek

"OOo did you hear that, my love there already at pet names" sirius whispered turning to remus who had gotten up from the bed to gather his things.

Between the tow weeks of being back at school lilly and james had made there not official slow complicated hall flirty into semi official complicated kissing in door ways, remus was happy for James all his hard work and dedication to winning her over played off.

The all scrambled down to the great hall for breakfast after james had to fix sirius tie for him so he didnt pin another detention, they picked up Mary and Marlene between there travels from the doorm room to the great hall and the group all sat together huddled in talking

"Guess what" Marlene quietly screamed

"Were doing potions with the hot forth years, i know im so exited" Mary chirped smileing at the thought of Christopher Green a griffindor fourth year that was quite good looking

"No, even better were learning to brew love potions" Marlene said grinning into the air

"Why is that fun loves overrated" Peter groaned as he drank his apple juice behide his potions text book

"Oh cheer up wormy" James laughed patting petter on the back, "how can anyone be sad when the griffindor verse slyitherin quddich match is in a week" James added on passing lilly a cup of coffee, remus rolled his eyes at the thought of quddich but quietly diverted his attention as sirius stared blankly at the toast infront of him and played with the handle of the coffe cup in his hand

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