Chapter 75: Our First Move

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Date: January 23rd 2022
At the Copeland Manor

The afternoon was turning into evening. And all of the Copeland vampires were on high alert. They all sat in the main living room, talking about what to plot against Nolan.

"I say we just storm his place and kick his ass", Jessa said.

"Jessa we don't even know where he lives", Mira said chiming in.

"Maybe we could use some kinda spell to locate him and his warlock dude", Isaac suggested.

"Only issue with that is none of us can do a locater spell, all we can do is sense another vampires presence...hell we can't even do that from a far distance", Joshua explained.

"You do have a point Joshua...finding him will not be easy, especially since I cannot sense him anymore", Audrey sighed, "I feel so useless".

Antony put a hand on his wife's shoulder, "You are far from useless my love, we will find a way to locate him".

Isaac thought to himself for a moment before getting an idea, "Hey...what about those Raynott witches, well I should say witch and warlock; they might know how to do a locater spell"!

"We're seriously gonna rely on some witch juju to find this idiot", Lynn asked?

"I agree, what if the Raynott's are totally clueless", Karina chimed in.

"They won't be I've seen them do magic before, they're legit", Isaac said defending the Raynott's.

"Mhm, sure they are", Lynn said with an eye roll.

"Guys...", Antony glared at his progenies, "Enough".

Isaac sighed and stood to his feet, "Look, I know it may seem risky but I think we should go to their crystal shop and ask for their help", Isaac looked at Audrey, "We gotta try something, Conri's mate was taken by that asshole".

Audrey looked at her husband who gave her a supportive nod, "Alright, we can go ask the Raynott's for assistance".

Isaac smiled, "Sick, I'll call Conri and let him know"!

At the Davila Grounds

"Yeah, we'll head right over, see ya then", Conri said hanging up the phone after speaking with Isaac.

Conri walked out of his cabin and went over to his brothers, not bothering to knock, "Ly we gotta go back to the Raynott's, some of the Copeland's are gonna meet us there".

Lycus looked up at his brother, "Knock much"?

Conri threw a jacket at Lycus, "Come on let's go".

Lycus huffed while getting up and putting on his jacket. The Davila brothers made their way to Conri's truck and drove to the crystal shop.

After a short drive, they made it. The Davilas saw some of the Copeland's waiting outside, Isaac, Renee, Jessa, Mira, and Joshua.

Conri and Lycus got out of the car, Conri waved at the vampires, "Hey guys thanks for coming".

"No problem, just glad we can help", Joshua said.

All of them entered the crystal shop together. The first thing they saw per usual was Cohen at the front. He was organizing some of the crystals.

Cohen didn't even look back at them feeling their presence, "Vampires, wolves, it must be my lucky day...Sage, we have guests".

Sage came out from the back, "Oh hello, I recognize some of you of course...for those who don't know me I'm Sage, and that's my big brother Cohen".

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