Chapter 34: Jessa Davenport

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Date: August 7th 1987

It was a hot and sunny day here in Texas, and for a pageant queen that meant torture. The twenty-four year old named Jessa Davenport was just arriving to her last pageant in her home town. She had been doing pageants since she was little, and had been working to travel for them since the day she started. And if she won this pageant she would be able to represent Texas in a pageant in all the way in London.

Jessa huffed with her arms full finally making it inside, "God why is it so goddamn hot out"?

Her older brother Daniel who was always with her on pageant days step inside with more bags, "It's Texas, it's always hot".

Jessa walked ahead checking herself in. She then walked back to the dressing room area and found herself a room. They both put all her stuff down, sighing from the relief of carrying all that weight.

"Hey while you start on your makeup I'm gonna go see if they have some kinda coffee, you want any", Daniel asked?

Jessa shook her head, "No I'm fine I'll just drink the waters we brought".

Daniel nodded and then left the room; shutting the door behind him. Jessa pulled her hair back before getting out her makeup bag and beginning to put on her makeup.

As Jessa was patting in her foundation, she heard a knock on her door, "Who is it"?

"It's meee~", A lady sang on the other side.

Jessa rolled her eyes with a smile, "Come on in Kaylee".

Kaylee had a wide smile on her face, "It's the big day"!

"I know it is, and I'm trying my best not to be nervous about it", Jessa said.

"You have nothing to be nervous about girl you are the best one here, there is no doubt in my mind that you'll win", Kaylee said trying to make Jessa feel more confident.

Jessa laughed, "Y'know I don't know what I'd do without you and your enthusiasm".

"Yeah me either...", Kaylee trailed off making them both burst out laughing.

Daniel walked back into the room, "I see Kaylee found her way here".

"And I see your still not over your caffeine addiction", Kaylee snapped back.

"Why do you hate me so much I never did anything to you", Daniel asked sipping his coffee.

"Daniel...", Jessa said making her brother just drop it, "Kaylee you can help me with my hair if you want, Daniel why don't you go get me my number card for my dresses".

"Alright fine", Daniel said turning and leaving the room.

Once he left Kaylee sighed with relief, "God...why do I have to be such a asshole when I like someone"?!

Jessa laughed picked back up her beauty blender, "I don't know, if you like him just tell them, at least that's what I'd do".

"Easy for you to say you have the most confidence out of anyone I've ever met", Kaylee said.

Jessa shrugged, "I guess I do"...

It was about time for the pageant to start and Jessa was back stage standing on her marker waiting for her name to be called. A few girls were ahead of her so she had a couple minutes to wait.

Soon enough the announcer was calling her name, "And next up judges we have Ms Jessa Davenport".

Jessa walked up the steps and posed in her dress as the announcer named her fun facts about herself. Jessa didn't flinch at the camera flashes, she just kept smiling; then her turn was over.

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