Chapter 40: The Micheal Davila Tragedy

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Date: September 18th 1992

It was super early morning, around 1AM. The sun wouldn't begin to rise until 6AM here in Florida, specifically the Orlando area. This man with long dark hair and red hues was still at a bar, he was surrounded by drunks and ladies who got stood up. He felt a burning in the back of his throat as he looked down at his glass of whiskey.

He took one last swig of his whiskey before getting up and putting his jacket back over his shoulders. He put a hundred dollar bill on the bar table, then walked out of the bar; his dress shoes making a satisfying stomping noise as he walked.

Once he was out he spotted a girl walking along the sidewalk drunk and alone, she was just trying to get home but he didn't care...he was hungry.

He rushed over to the woman and stood in front of her, taking her shoulders, "Don't move don't scream".

She couldn't move after being caught by his eyes, she just stared blankly at him. The man bit into her neck with his fangs, but she couldn't scream for help. Once he was done and pulled away she could hardly stand up, so he just let her fall on the ground.

The man heard clapping coming from behind him, he turned around to see a man in a suit with a black under cut. Nolan Grey

"Well I wasn't expecting free entertainment at this time, shouldn't you be in bed young man", Nolan mocked him.

"Nolan...what are you doing in Florida, there's nothing here for you", the man said.

"Oh that's no way to greet your maker now is it Everett, I was expecting a warmer welcome than that", Nolan said with a fake smile.

Everett scoffed, "I haven't seen you in a hundred years, sorry if I'm not bursting with excitement".

"Hm, well I'm glad I found you because I actually need your help with something very important, something very special", Nolan began...

Everett quirked a brow, "Like what"?

Nolan began explaining, "You see some vampires decided to piss me off, so I'm deciding to take out my anger on the Davila pack. And the first step to that is bounding a vampire to a wolf...and I think I found the perfect vampire for the job".

Everett blinked, "You want me to bound myself by blood to a wolf so you can spy on them through me"?

"Well that's part of the reason, and the wolf you bound yourself to will be miserable until the day we kill them", Nolan said sadistically.

Everett twirled his hair, "What's in this for me"?

"After you help me I'll never speak to you again", Nolan stated.

"Deal", Everett said holding out his hand.

Nolan shook his hand with a smirk, "Oh this is gonna be fun"....

Date: October 1st 1992

It was a sunny day on the 1st of October. And for Micheal Davila and his pack that meant it was decorating day! Micheal Davila was only twenty-two and the Alpha of his pack, he was the youngest Davila Alpha in far. He had a girlfriend named Anna Scott, they were high school sweethearts and had been dating since their junior year. Anna was not a werewolf though, she was just a human. Everyone had been waiting for Micheal to propose...little did they know he had a plan.

On the Davila grounds in Florida there was a nice long river that everyone loved. Their were also cabins everywhere. It looked like a nicer campground. The Davila family were still trying to migrate to London, but Micheal wasn't in any rush to leave just yet.

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