Chapter 24: Filling In The Gaps

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Date: November 2nd 1933

Antony had finally gotten home from his trip in America, but due do a fire that was not his fault he had a new progeny, Lynn.

Lynn was in the living room getting to know Antony's other four progenies. And so far it was all going well. Audrey and Antony were in their room catching up with each other.

"Wait so Antony found you in a fire, that's how he found me too, that's kinda cool I guess", Isaac said to Lynn rubbing his neck.

"I wouldn't exactly say it's cool...he didn't exactly ask me I had no way of knowing what was happening to me", Lynn said back with a sigh.

Zach scoffed, "Welcome to the club, Antony doesn't give a rats ass about how we feel, would explain why he was gone for a whole eighteen years".

"Wait he didn't ask you if you wanted to be turned either", Lynn asked Zach?

"Nope, well kind of, it's all kind of a blur but I know I did not give him permission, neither did Isaac", Zach responded.

"Y-Yeah well I was kinda unconscious so I just like to think he was just saving me in anyway he could", Isaac said chiming in.

"Huh...what about you Joshua, did you give consent for your turning", Lynn asked Joshua?

"Yes I did actually...Audrey was there too and uh, I knew I wouldn't survive otherwise so I allowed Antony to turn me, sorry I just don't like talking about it", Joshua said with a look of stress on his face.

"Oh no we don't have to I was just curious...uh what about you consent to it all", Lynn asked Asa?

Asa smirked, "Sure did, once Antony gave me the run down that he was a vampire I instantly became hooked and wanted in so I of course said yes".

" being a vampire", she asked?

"Of course I do...and I think in no time you will too", Asa said with a wink.

Lynn laughed slightly at Asa's words not sure if she felt flattered or disturbed by him.

"Ew, I don't know why you used to so chill then all the sudden you got all flirty and weird", Zach said crossing his arms.

"Because Zach unlike you I know how to change my attitude for the better, you've acted like a stuck up teenager since I've meet you", Asa clapped back.

"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings", Zach asked smartly?

Lynn was trying her best to hold in her laughter watching these boys fight, she was thinking that it wasn't gonna be so bad here...

In Audrey and Antony's Room

"I should be mad at you for bringing another progeny into our home but honestly at this point I don't mind, we have our own clan going for us and we should and will continue to call ourselves a family", Audrey said.

"So you won't be mad if I bring anymore home", Antony asked?

"No, and who knows...maybe I will one day", Audrey said with a sigh.

"You'd be a great maker, much better than me, sure you've turned the maids but you've never had a true Copeland progeny...I think you would be amazing at it", Antony said with a grin.

Audrey laughed, "Well thank you but I don't plan on turning anyone just yet".

"That's alright, you'll know when the time comes", Antony said back.

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