Chapter 23: Lynn's Awakening

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Antony had carried the woman he had not just pulled from a fire, but also turned, back to where he was staying in Georgia. He laid her on the bed and removed his burnt up jacket and tie, and took of his crown. He unbuttoned his shirt revealing his abs, but of course he couldn't care less.

He sat lazily on a lounge chair with his legs spread and his arms on the arm rest and his head leaned back, he let out a tired sigh after the very long night he just had...and now he had a newborn vampire on his hands. The night was nowhere near over yet.

Antony could sense Lynn becoming more and more alert without even having to look at her, "Welcome back to the land of the living, you're dead how does it feel"?

Lynn's eyes fluttered open and she grabbed her head with a groan, "The hell do you mean I'm dead, wait who are you w-where am I"?

Antony lifted his head up and looked at her, "I'm Antony, and what I mean is I pulled you from a fire but you were to far gone to survive on your own so I saved you by turning you".

Lynn blinked, "Turning me into what"?

"A vampire, like me, and my whole family who I need to get on a train for in an hour from now so you need to decide if you wanna come with me, which you should, or stay here and eat the whole city", Antony said.

Lynn scoffed, "Dude seriously...a want me to believe that you're a vampire and that you just turned me into one, yeah okay sure".

Antony started to stare at Lynn and he made his eyes glow red, then he revealed his fangs, "You need any more proof"?

Lynn's jaw slightly dropped, "O-Okay then I'll give it to you your eyes and fangs look very real b-but...turn into a bat"!

"That's a myth we cannot turn into bats, crosses and holy water do not hurt us and neither does garlic, we do have a reflection in the mirror and we do not have to be invited into places, sunlight does harm us but the effects from it get easier with age.....anything else you wanna know right now", Antony asked sarcastically?

"Can you...hypnotize people", Lynn asked?

Antony sighed, "We like to call it trancing but it truly doesn't matter what you call it, but yes we can, as your maker I can do what's called Invocation which is a bit similar in a don't do anything stupid".

"Alright're a vampire I believe you but am I supposed to believe that", Lynn asked herself?

"Well for one thing I'm sure you'll start to feel a burning sensation in your throat and a hunger like never before in a minute or two, and that means you need to feed in order to complete the transition from human to vampire", Antony explained.

"Feed on...blood I'm assuming", Lynn trailed off.

"Yes, which normally when I turn a new progeny there's a blood bag ready to hand them from our cellar in our mansion but we're clearly not there so I have no blood bags on we are gonna have to do this the old fashioned way", Antony said standing up.

"What's the old fashioned way", Lynn asked?

Antony's regular smile reappeared as he reached out his hand, "Come on, allow me to show you".

A small crack of a smile appeared on Lynn's face as she took Antony's hand. They both left Antony's place.

As they were walking Lynn felt the burn in her throat and it made her uncomfortable and Antony noticed, "You feel it don't you"?

"Y-Yeah it's kinda like when you eat something spicy but the feelings in your throat, god why am super hungry now too", Lynn asked?

"Don't stress yourself out about it I know exactly how to make it go away", Antony said.

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