Chapter 7: Down On One Knee

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Date: February 5th 1640

Audrey and Antony had been officially a couple for seven years now. They spent everyday in each other presence, they did everything together and they couldn't be happier.

Antony had never felt love before he was with Audrey, he's never felt better in his life. Audrey finally had a true love she could feel was going to last centuries.

The vampire couple had talked about the future with each other many times, but Antony had something to ask her that he has been waiting to ask for a while now.

Antony had left the Copeland manner on his own for a bit to head to a local jeweler, once he entered he was greeted, "Good evening sir, are you looking for anything in particular tonight"?

Antony walked up to the man, "Yes actually, I am looking for two rings, engagement rings to be exact".

"Oh really, well I am many options here to choose from, come I will show you my finest rings", the jeweler said letting Antony follow him.

Meanwhile back at the Copeland Manner

Audrey was setting up a flower path with the help of her maids. She set up her back yard with Antony's favorite flower which was a "Dark Dragon Rose". She even got him a bouquet of them. She was also dying to pop the question of marriage to Antony. So she took him leaving the manner as a chance to finally ask.

"I have finished the flower path", one of the maids said.

"Oh excellent thank you", Audrey thanked her maid.

Audrey paced around her backyard making sure all the flowers were perfect, as she was pacing she heard a hiss from above her. She looked up to see a black racer snake slithering down the brick wall.

She jumped, "Oh my"!

Audrey did not like snakes or any reptiles, but she knew Antony was very much into snakes. He's mentioned in their spare time that snakes were his favorite animals, which Audrey didn't exactly love.

The snake slowly moved away and she took a sigh of relief...

Meanwhile back at the jeweler

"What about these", the jeweler asked holding two rings in his hand.

"A little old school for my taste, I was not very fond of the 1500's", Antony said saying no to the 2nd set of rings he was shown.

"Hm", the jeweler thought for a moment then picked up a black ring and another black ring with a red center gem, "What about these, one of a kind, made by yours truly".

Antony smiled wider satisfied, "I will take those they are perfect, perfect for two vampires in love...".

The man looked at Antony funny, "Vampires are not real sir...but I-I will be more than happy to sell you these rings, for both it will be 650$ pounds".

Antony took the rings from the man's hand, "Hey you cannot just take them"!

Antony laughed, "I had no intention of buying these but I certainly will be taking them", Antony looked the jeweler in his eyes, "You are gonna let me take these without having to pay, you are also going to forget I was ever here and the conversation we had...have a good rest of your night sir".

The man blinked and Antony was gone. Antony looked at the rings in his hand with satisfaction, he was finally going to ask Audrey to marry him.

Once Antony got home he saw a path of rose petals leading to the backyard, "What is all this"?

Antony followed the path and once he got to the backyard he saw Audrey standing there in his favorite dress, a dark red velvet dress with a sweetheart neckline. He also saw a bouquet of dark dragon roses.

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