Chapter 45: Don't Focus On The Past

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⚠️Warning: Actions of SH/blood⚠️
Date: January 1st 1993
At the Copeland Manor

January first...had a very important but traumatic event attached to it. It was the day Antony was kidnapped and turned by his maker and ex best friend Jonathan.

And today that's all Antony could think about, but he did a good job a not showing it. Since he always smiled it was hard to tell what he was thinking. And sense he couldn't feel emotion except love for his wife, only Audrey could sense what was wrong with him.

And for some reason when Antony felt off so did his progenies. As soon as the clock struck midnight on the first all of his progenies locked themselves in their rooms. Including Antony.

Audrey was in the living room giving her husband some space for the time being. Jessa, Karina, Renee, and Mira were the only ones out of their rooms.

"Audrey, has Antony ever told you what happened to him the day he turned", Jessa asked?

Audrey nodded, "Yes of course, I'm the only one that knows the entire story, and I think he'd like to keep it that way".

"Sucks that since he doesn't feel all that great neither do his progenies, I'm shocked he's feeling at all", Renee said.

"Antony can feel...very little grief when it's right to, like right now, and he feels love for me; but other than that he just doesn't feel", Audrey explained.

"Doesn't that bother you, it would bother me if I honestly gave a crap", Karina asked?

"Honestly no, I knew what I was getting into when we married, and when I took him in I knew he wasn't a bad person at heart", Audrey said.

"You must truly love him huh", Mira chimed in.

Audrey smiled softly, "I do yes, and I always will".

The girls continued to have a conversation for a couple minutes. Soon enough they heard a door to one of the bedrooms open. They all saw Ryder walk out from his room, his shoulders hunched over.

"Ugh there's people out here", he said.

"Ryder what do you need, are you feeling alright", Audrey asked?

"The twerp isn't out right now, he hasn't been all day", he replied.

Audrey glanced into his eyes and noticed they were red and sighed, "Zane, I'm sure you haven't changed very much".

Zane scoffed, "Don't plan on it and I don't need to, I came out here to watch TV and get a blood bag".

"Well you know where the cellar is if you're hungry, and I suppose you can watch the television out here", Audrey said.

Zane noticed Mira staring him down a bit uncomfortable at what she saw, he smirked, "See something you like princess".

Mira turned her head away, "N-No...a much prefer Ryder to be fronted than you".

"Oh well...", as Zane walked past Mira he leaned closer to her ear, "I guess you'll have to tell him that yourself".

Zane laughed to himself as he walked to the cellar. Mira took a sigh of relief, "I think I'm gonna go to my room".

"You sure, maybe once he's watching TV Ryder will front again", Jessa asked?

Mira shook her head, "I don't wanna deal with him, let me know if Ryder fronts and I'll come back out".

Mira got up and locked herself in her room. She let out a frustrated sigh, she had feelings for Ryder; she knew that much. But she didn't know how she felt yet, especially with Zane always ruining the moment. Worst part was that she didn't know that Ryder felt the same way...

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