Chapter 51: The Beta

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Date: October 18th 1993
At the Davila Grounds

Tomorrow was the party to celebrate Micheal and Anna's wedding. And all the wolves and Anna were setting up the den for it. Setting up tables and drinks and snacks, waiting to be opened up till the next day. A record player ready to play all the music they wanted.

"It looks amazing in here so far", Micheal said happily!

"We're killing it on the decorations", Bowie chimed in.

"Yeah we are", Turner cheered!

"I think we've earned ourselves a break", Ray said.

"I agree, I could use a snack", Anna said.

"You guys go ahead, Turner can I talk to you for a minute", Micheal asked?

"Oh sure", Turner followed Micheal outside.

The two friends went over to the river. They sat on the bench that faced the water. Turner was curious to what Micheal wanted to talk about.

"So what's up", Turner asked?

Micheal began explaining himself, "Turner, you have been by my side more than any of my friends have been, you've shown me you can take charge in the right situations, you've held me up when I've fallen...".

"I mean thank you dude, I try to be there for you as much as I're my best friend not just my alpha", Turner said.

"And it's having that mentality that makes me wanna ask you this question", Micheal trailed off.

"What is it", Turner asked?

"This pack hasn't had a beta in almost a hundred years...and I wanna change that, I wanna bring the beta back", Micheal explained with a smile.

Turner's eyes lit up, "Wait for real"?!

Micheal nodded, "I'm very for real, I want a second in command; someone who can be in charge when I can't".

"I-I don't know what to say", Turner stammered.

Micheal put a hand on Turner's shoulder, "Turner Klane, will you do the honor of being my beta"?

Turner tackled Micheal into a hug, "Yes of course I would man, thank you for trusting me with this"!

Micheal laughed patting his friends back, "Of course Turner, I wouldn't trust anyone else with the position".

Turner pulled away from the hug, "I'll do my best to be the best beta I can".

Micheal smiled, "Just keep doing what you were doing already, protecting others and making sure they are all safe".

Turner nodded, "I will...I promise I will".

"What's going on out here", a woman's voice in the distance asked?

Micheal and Turner looked ahead to see and woman with red pixie cut short hair and blue eyes, wearing a black jacket and pants. The boys knew exactly who she was.

"JORDAN", the two wolves called out in unison?!

"What are you two losers waiting for come hug me", Jordan said jogging over to her friends.

The three all hugged each other, Micheal speaking up first, "What are you doing here, you weren't supposed to come back till the wedding"?

They all pulled away and Jordan shoved her hands in her pockets, "I was feeling homesick, plus the pack over in the UK was getting a little out of hand".

"Out of hand how", Turner asked?

"Just arguing over who's in charge and all that bullshit, but I try to stay out of it", Jordan explained.

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