Chapter 35: Jessa Copeland

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Warning:⚠️Character Death⚠️
Date: August 11th 1987

It was the next day and the start of pageant prep. Jessa and Daniel caught a cab to the resort the pageant was being held at. When they got there they saw the rest of the ladies competing and their supporters.

Jessa gripped her purse strap, "It's really happening".

Daniel rubbed his sisters back, "You got this".

"There's so many other girls here it's incredible, this competition is gonna be tough", Jessa said walking to the check in table.

"Yeah but you're used to tough competition", Daniel recalled.

"I mean yeah I guess so", Jessa said.

Jessa spoke to the woman at the check in table, "Hi I'm Jessa Davenport".

She checked off the list that she was here and Jessa smiled, "Thank you".

Jessa walked into the crowd of girls and this one with blonde hair and sharp eyes gave her a side eye before coming over, "Hey, you're Jessa right"?

"Yes, ah you seem familiar too", Jessa said back.

She laughed, "My name is Becca I'm here from California".

"Becca that's right, I've seen your tapes your really good", Jessa complemented.

Becca smirked, "Oh thank you you're too kind, I've seen yours as well, you shine when you're on that stage".

"Aww thanks", Jessa said with a smile.

Daniel looked Becca up and down, he got a bad vibe from her, something just seemed off about her. He wasn't sure if he should tell Jessa just yet.

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted by the pageant host coming out to greet everyone, "Good evening my pageant queens"!

Everyone smiled as the man entered the room, "Welcome to your first practice for the Ms. World Wide pageant, all of you will do amazing today I can already tell just by looking at your motivated faces"!

The pageant host began explaining how the day was going to go, "So here's how the practice will go, we will have you all line up behind the stage and we will call your name, have you walk up to the mic, state where your representing and then walk off. Tomorrow we will practice your speeches, is everyone on board"?

All the girls nodded, "Excellent, let's get started".

Becca faced Jessa, "Good luck...".

"Break a leg", Jessa said back.

Daniel turned to his sister, "I...y'know what it can wait till later".

"No what is it", Jessa asked?

"No no it's okay just go practice okay", Daniel said.

Jessa sighed, "Okay"...

At the Copeland Manor

Audrey was reading a magazine and saw something about a "Ms. World Wide Pageant" happening in a resort near by. This peaked her interest since she liked watching fashion shows and pageants were similar. She saw that it was on the thirteenth.

"Only two days away...", she said to herself.

"What's only two days away", Antony asked walking into their bedroom coming from his office.

"A pageant, it seems really neat actually I might go and check it out", Audrey said looking up from the magazine at her husband.

"Hm interesting, I've never been fond of pageants but if you would like to go then I say why not", Antony said sitting on the bed.

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