Chapter 38: Mira Copeland

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Warning:⚠️Character Death⚠️
Date: March 27th 1992

It was a stormy morning. Mira was making her way to her art studio to do some last minute touches to the set up. She told Mariana to meet her there so she could have a extra set of hands.

Once she pulled in she pulled out her umbrella and walked up to the door, unlocking it and letting herself in. She put the umbrella by the door and wiped her feet on the mat.

She scanned her paintings that were on display to see which ones she wanted to touch up. She went to the back and got her paints and brushes. The art show didn't start until the evening so she had time to spare.

Mariana opened the studio door with two cups of coffee in her hands, "I come baring gifts".

Mira turned to look at her friend, "Oh thank you, you didn't have to get me coffee".

"I knew you would need all the energy you could get so I said why not", Mariana said handing Mira her coffee.

Mira took a sip of her coffee, "I shouldn't have too much more work to do, just some finishing touches to a couple of the paintings".

"What do you need me to do", Mariana asked?

Mira thought for a moment, "Oh you can set up the refreshment table by the door".

"Yeah I can do that", Mariana responded.

"Great thank you", Mira thanked her.

The two friends continued to work the entire morning through the afternoon. They took a break for lunch, then went right back to work. What really worried them was the storm outside, it wasn't letting up. The rain was hard and the thunder was loud, Mira was worried because of the weather people wouldn't show up to her show.

The afternoon turned into the evening and it was just about time for the show to begin. Mira put the sign up outside on her window and unlocked the studio door.

Mira and Mariana watched as cars passed by racing to get home and out of the storm. They understood, the storm was only getting worse and not showing any signs of stopping.

But just as Mira was about to loose hope a couple walked in a began to look at her paintings. Mira and Mariana smiled, so happy to see people in the studio.

Mira walked up to the couple, "Hello welcome to my art show, all the pieces you see on display were made by me are on sale and will be sold to the highest bidder once bidding begins".

"Oh that's wonderful dear, we will keep looking around then", the elderly woman said.

A couple more people came in and Mira explained the same thing to them as well. Everyone was looking around and waiting for the bidding on her art to begin.

As more and more people were walking in Mira noticed a familiar face, the woman who purchased her dark red rose painting.

Mira went up to her, "Hello ma'am welcome back, if you like one of my pieces on display the bidding will start shortly".

The woman smiled, "Then I'll stay for the bid".

As the woman was walking away to look around Mira stopped her, "Wait ma'am...may I ask for you name"?

She smiled, "My name is Audrey, and you are Mira're signature was on my painting"?

Mira nodded, "Yes that's me, thanks again for buying that".

Audrey laughed, "Of course it's such a beautiful piece of art I had too, I hope to take home another one tonight".

Mira smiled as Audrey walked away continuing to look at her art. Mira decided to start to bid...

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