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He wanted to run away.

From all of the mess that surrounded him.

He hated them for giving up.

He hated the sympathy that Yung had attempted to present.

Wigen with her empathetic expression made him want to punch something.

They didn't understand.

Do Hana was more than just a Counter, a friend, or family.

She was the only one who really knew him and cared for him regardless.

But he could accept that Yung was always like this.

It didn't come as a surprise that they put themselves and the entire world first.

But for his fellow Counters to express distrust in him and Hana hurt him.

Ms. Chu placed a hesitant hand on his cheek, running her eyes over his form for any injuries.

He pulled away reluctantly.

"How could you? This is Hana we're talking about. How could you give up on her?" He begged, his hands wrapping around himself.

"So Mun, we don't want to give up. We just want to make sure you're alright. Hana deliberately hurt Jeok-bong and we need to keep that in mind." Ms. Chu said softly, before glancing at the bedroom door.

Chairman Choi was still lying in bed, unconscious and resting.

Jeok-bong was leaning in a chair next to her, rubbing his arm where the knife once was.

He couldn't look at So Mun, which told him all he needed to know.

"I know it worked out last time for Ma Juseok, So Mun. But that doesn't mean we'll get our Hana back. We can't afford to let our guard down and you know it." Motak exclaimed.

He had a fierce look on his face, but So Mun knew that he was just pretending.

Pretending like this was the same situation as Ma Juseok.

That objectively, they had to worry about themselves and the entire world first.

But as much as he wishes he could, he could never.

He would willingly let the world burn if he could get Hana back.

And that thought scared him.

But Motak knew that better than anyone else.

He was warning him. Trying to protect him.

So, he won't face the same heartbreak. The same fate.

But it was too late.

He was too far gone. Too stubborn to let her go.

Too in love to see that his heart was breaking into pieces.

But to hell with his heart. All he cared about was her.

And he swore that he would get her back.

No matter the cost.

So, without another word, he left the room.


She was punching the bag with all her strength.

Her sweat seemed to soak her clothes, but she couldn't care right now.

She should be dead.

He had rendered her unconscious. He had summoned the other evil spirits.

She had woken up to nothing, just two confused young men who couldn't remember what had happened.

She felt a bit of sympathy for their confusion, so she bought them some food and went on her way.

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