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Was she even really here?

The voice echoed throughout her head as she tried to process what she was seeing.

So Mun standing in front of her open and alone, while she was anything but.

She despised him for actually listening to what she spoke.

A bitter, cold statement so incredibly unlike her that she winced.

He didn't frown or show disappointment at her tone of voice.

Instead, he had listened, letting her free from his telekinesis.

Waiting patiently for her. To do what, she wasn't sure.

She could escape and run away from this darkened alley, finding a place for herself away from him.

Slowly letting the hope and life drain out of her until she saved them from herself.

But somewhere the part of her that was still hopelessly attached to him wanted to tell him the truth.

To ignore the darkened voice telling her to leave and never look back.

Because for all of her desperation, she cared for him still.

"Mun." She whispers out, a gentle cadence that seemed to match her perfectly.

His eyes met hers softly, a warm gesture that made her want to confess and never leave again.

"Hana, please tell me. I can help you. All of us can. So please come home." He responded, moving ever so slightly closer to her in hopes that she would follow him.

Instead, she moved back in one hesitant step.

Something seemed to grip her soul tightly forcing her to swallow down her emotions once more.

"I can't do that, So Mun." She responds, slightly raspier in tone.

He slowly moved closer to her until she felt her back hit the stone wall of the alley.

He tried to give her space, but his breaths took up hers.

She could see every line and crevice of his face, a detailed picture of his feelings.

Something clawed at her throat. Forcing her to do the one thing she prayed she wouldn't have to do.

"Move." A bold and impatient statement from her lips holding nothing but frustration.

If it was anyone else, they would have felt threatened. An easy fix to her current dilemma.

But not him.

He had long since lost all fear for her. Instead, he held himself straighter and bent down closer.

Her heart started thumping louder in her chest, but the hold she had over her own mind slipped.

She had to do this now. A distraction that will let her escape before she does something awful.

She pulled a hand into her pocket, gripping the item with her fingers.

"Hana." He mutters and her heart breaks all the same.

A begging sound that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

He's not leaving without her. But she had to make him leave.

And so with a shaky hand, she pulls out the item and slices his arm.

He lets out a sharp wince of pain as the blood seeps out of the wound.

He backed up an inch, but that was enough for her to leave.

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