Dream of Torment

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In shadows deep, where torment weaves its tale,

Sejanus stands, his spirit worn and frail.

Bitter taste of blood, a metallic stain,

As peacemakers guide him, relentless in pain.

Days like an abyss, the sun a distant grace,

Blinding light, his eyes in a desperate chase.

Heat intensifies, wounds scream in agony,

A tortured existence, a brutal symphony.

Solitude's weight, heavy, a burden to bear,

In the cell of darkness, time stretches, unfair.

Echoes of screams, his soul's tortured song,

A quest for connection, desperately prolonged.

A face haunts his thoughts, blond hair in the crowd,

Blue eyes, a beacon, in agony avowed.

The executioner's stage, a grim final view,

A sea of faces, indifferent and askew.

Bruises speak tales of relentless despair,

Purple patches on skin, a pain-hardened layer.

Noose in sight, a symbol of cruel fate,

Sejanus marches on, towards death's cold gate.

Coryo, a confidant, a last connection sought,

A plea in his mind, a desperate thought.

Blond hair, blue eyes, elusive yet near,

A flickering flame amid the darkness drear.

As the noose tightens, resignation and defiance,

A desperate gaze clings to a fleeting alliance.

Rejected by Coryo, a pang in his core,

A thousand blades, rejection's cruel lore.

Regrets echo loud, a self-inflicted wound,

Sejanus berates himself, in despair he's drowned.

Family and friends bear the weight of his plight,

Grief and pain, an unyielding night.

Coryo, a lifeline, in the cold Capitol air,

A lump in his throat, a tear-stained despair.

Entangled in agony, love's bitter twist,

Bloodied hands carry a burden that persists.

In the scorching sun, dreams crumble and break,

Sejanus and Coryo, a formidable wake.

Alternate realities, joyous and bright,

But destiny's weight, an unyielding fight.

The floor drops, and Sejanus fights for a glance,

Coryo's eyes meet his in a fleeting trance.

Darkness claims him, but in a daring plea,

His last breath calls out, a cry for family.

Awakening with a start, the nightmare's grip released,

Tears stain the fabric, a soul now eased.

In his mother's embrace, Sejanus finds grace,

Yet secrets linger, threatening to unlace.

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