Songbird and snake. Somewhat based on Balled of Songbird and Snake.

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In the realm where chaos and control entwine,
A songbird's melody and a serpent's hiss align.
Propaganda whispers through the rustling leaves,
A dance of discord where the heart deceives.

The songbird, a minstrel of the morning light,
Weaves notes of freedom, a rebellion in flight.
Yet the serpent, with coils of cunning and might,
Ensnares the truth, casting shadows on the bright.

In this symphony of chaos, where lies take flight,
Propaganda's specter cloaked in the cloak of night.
A serpent's tongue, a crafty tale to spin,
A songbird's melody, a futile battle to win.

The stage is set, a spectacle unfolds,
Illusions of order, as the narrative molds.
Morality questioned, a fragile thread,
Between the songbird's purity and the serpent's dread.

In the theater of minds, where illusions play,
Control and chaos pirouette and sway.
A puppeteer pulls strings, unseen hands at play,
As the songbird and serpent engage in their ballet.

Propaganda's puppetry, a silent force,
Morality trembles, a wavering course.
The spectacle dazzles, a mesmerizing dance,
As chaos and control engage in their trance.

Yet within this labyrinth, morality's seed,
A songbird's truth, a call to heed.
In the serpentine twists, a choice to make,
To break free from the chains, a bold heart to wake.

In the tapestry woven of chaos and control,
The songbird and serpent entwine, a tale untold.
A plea for morality, a guiding star,
In the symphony of life, where illusions spar.

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