solar sytem

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In the vast expanse where darkness meets the light, A dance of wonders unfolds each night. Planets twirl in cosmic ballet, In the great theater of the Milky Way.

First, Mercury, a swift and fiery sprite, Closest to the Sun, bathed in golden light. Then Venus, a jewel in the evening sky, A beacon of beauty as the day says goodbye.

Earth, our home, a sphere of blue and green, Oceans and continents, a sight to be seen. Mars, the red warrior, in the starry sea, A rusty glow in the celestial decree.

Jupiter, a giant with a stormy embrace, Whirling clouds and a regal grace. Saturn, adorned with rings so bright, A celestial jewel in the velvet night.

Uranus, a pale blue ball in the cosmic stream, Neptune, in deep blue hues, a distant dream. Pluto, a dwarf in the far, far away, A reminder of mysteries that still hold sway.

Beyond the Moon, where dreams take flight, In the silent realm of the endless night, The solar system spins in harmonious rhyme, A celestial poem, written through space and time.

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