mercury, the forgotten planet

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In the cosmic ballet, a ball of silver gleams,

Mercury, the forgotten, lost in stellar dreams.

A planet bathed in sunlight's eternal dance,

Yet overshadowed, it seems, by fate's cold trance.

Closest companion to the blazing sun's embrace,

A world of extremes, in solitude and grace.

Whispers of its tale echo through the void,

A cosmic secret, in silence, deployed.

Mercurial winds that sweep across the plains,

A barren landscape where solitude remains.

Hidden in the shadows of celestial light,

A quiet orb lost in the vastness of the night.

Oh, Mercury, with your metallic sheen,

A quiet witness to the cosmic scene.

Forgotten by many, but not by the stars,

You dance in silence, beyond the reach of our memoirs.

Swift messenger of the gods in ancient lore,

Yet left alone, yearning for something more.

Your mysteries unfold in the stillness of space,

A tale untold, a celestial embrace.

Craters like scars upon your ancient face,

A record of time, a cosmic trace.

In the hushed expanse, you silently roam,

A planet of solitude, far from earthly home.

So let us remember the forgotten one,

Mercury, basking in the eternal sun.

In the vastness of space, you quietly spin,

A celestial loner, a world lost within.

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