Veiled Realms: A Tapestry of Souls

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In shadows cast by life's cruel jest,

The brightest smiles often hide unrest.

For in the heart of the saddest soul,

A tempest of emotions takes its toll.

Loneliness wears a kind facade,

A gentle touch, a heart unflawed.

Yet, in solitude's quiet embrace,

Kindness blooms with subtle grace.

Wisdom, a cloak on the damaged worn,

A tapestry of lessons, tattered and torn.

Through the scars that mark the past,

The wise find truths that forever last.

Witness to the world's grim parade,

Rape, murder, pain, in sorrow laid.

Death's cold specter, an unwelcome guest,

A haunting memory, a relentless test.

Look around, but with discerning eyes,

Appearances often veil the real ties.

Don't judge by the surface, mere decree,

For truth may dwell where eyes can't see.

In the tapestry of life's intricate weave,

Smiles may deceive, loneliness retrieve.

Wisdom emerges from the battle's din,

And judgments falter where truths begin.

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