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In the quiet dawn, a canvas unfurls,

Whispers of night in twilight's curls.

A symphony of colors paints the sky,

As the sun, a gentle artist, draws nigh.

Golden fingers reach, embrace the night,

Chasing shadows in their hasty flight.

The world awakens, a sleepy gaze,

As dawn unveils its mesmerizing blaze.

The horizon blushes with hues untold,

A masterpiece in orange and gold.

A celestial ballet, a dance divine,

As morning's magic starts to intertwine.

Birdsong flutters on the waking breeze,

Nature's chorus, a harmonious tease.

The air, alive with promises new,

As dawn whispers, "begin anew."

Silhouettes dissolve in morning's kiss,

As daylight emerges, a gentle bliss.

Mountains, trees, and rivers play,

In the first light of a brand-new day.

The world bathed in warmth and light,

A canvas alive, a breathtaking sight.

Embracing hope, with every sunrise,

A daily miracle in nature's guise.

So, as the sun ascends on high,

Let your spirit soar, reach the sky.

For in each dawn, a chance to find,

The beauty in the heart and mind.

Collection of my short work and PoemWhere stories live. Discover now